Media reported about the second explosion in Damascus

In the Syrian capital Damascus there was a second explosion today. On 15 March, Reuters reported with reference to the state of the media in this country.

According to the Agency, a second attack occurred to the West of the Palace of justice in one of the restaurants earlier in the day, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device. In the first explosion, according to the latest figures, killed more than 30 people.

The civil war in Syria lasts since 2011. In the confrontation involved government forces opposition forces Islamist groups and terrorists, including members of the banned in Russia organization “Islamic state”.

Minister of justice Najm al-Ahmad said that the attacks of the jihadists is likely caused by a desire to avenge the military victories of the Syrian army and the political victory of Damascus in Geneva and Astana, referring to the negotiations on the settlement of the Syrian conflict, which take place in the capital.

