Press Secretary of the White house was attacked during his campaign in the Apple Store

Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer was attacked by a customer in the Apple store in Washington. On Monday, March 13, reports the New York Daily News.

33-year-old American of Indian origin Sri Chauhan (Chauhan Shree), seeing policy, began to ask him questions, translating what is happening in the Periscope.

In particular, the woman asked, “how are you feeling, sprawling country,” what it is “to work for the fascist”, “does he Russian” and “is he also a criminal.”

Shree ✊ ? ❤ this?? (@shreec)
March 11, 2017, 22:04

Most of the questions Spicer ignored, answered only that “the United States as a great country that allows you to be here.”

Subsequently, the woman admitted that she was not very polite to a politician, but his words “about her being here,” she considered racist.

The video is watched hundreds of thousands of people, notes TASS.

The White house has not commented on the incident.

