After the abolition of Obamacare in the US without health insurance will remain 52 million people

In the case of the bill about the “American medical care” the number of US citizens without health insurance by 2026 will reach 52 million people. This is stated in the Management report of the Congress on the budget, published on Monday, March 13, at the Agency’s website.

The document notes that currently not insured 28 million Americans, so over 10 years this number may increase almost twice up to 24 million people. Now the population of the United States is about 324 million people.

However, changes in this field will allow up to 2026 to reduce the U.S. budget deficit. “The adoption of the laws will reduce the Federal deficit by 337 billion dollars over the period from 2017 to 2026. Costs will be reduced by $ 1.2 trillion during the period, revenue reduced by 0.9 trillion”, — said in the report.

They also explain that the savings will be achieved by reducing the cost of medical care and subsidies for health insurance. This service is for individual insured persons in case of acceptance the new law will go up until 2020, and another six years will drop by 10 percent relative to current prices.

However, Management experts stress that to predict the behavior of all participants of the American market for medical services is difficult, so the calculations are of a preliminary nature.

Now Congress is considering Republicans prepared a bill on “American health care”, it is designed to replace the system of “Affordable health care” (Obamacare), adopted in 2010 with 44th US President Barack Obama. Earlier, the White house supported the document.

Obamacare repeal was one of the key electoral promises of the current President of the USA of Donald trump.

