Scarlett Johansson has met with the support of trump talking dog

Scarlett Johansson has met with the support of trump talking dog

Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson, speaking strongly against the policies of US President Donald trump was found in the sketch show Saturday Night Live on NBC with the dog, who fully support new head of state.

In the story, scientists are trying to scan the thoughts of a dog named Max. According to the animal that loves to chase the ball, watch the birds outside the window and walking on a leash in the Park. “And I love trump, he’s my man,” said the dog.

“Did you know that your dog is a fan of trump?” — Johansson asks one of the “colleagues”. “No, he doesn’t like it”, — says the actress. However, the beast denies it. “Your dog is a monster,” said the woman from the expert Committee.

The dog consistently expresses opinions about policy issues trump. For example, says he does not want to spend their money on health care for illegal immigrants. Johansson tries to convince the animal and noted that trump is a racist. “What do you know about black people” — retorted the subject.

Then the actress suited to the animal tries to convince him that trump is wrong in the poll of women’s rights. “Did you ask me when I decided to cut my nuts” asks the dog.

In the end, one of the scientists decides to kill the dog due to the fact that it’s dangerous. But Johansson disables the animal from the apparatus and declares that she loves him regardless of beliefs, then puts on his head a pink hat. Hats of this color became the symbol of the struggle for women’s rights and against trump in the day of his inauguration.

