Nadezhda Savchenko appeared in the Ukrainian TV channel in a new way

Nadezhda Savchenko appeared in the Ukrainian TV channel in a new way

MOSCOW, March 12 — RIA Novosti. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Hope Savchenko, the Ukrainian TV channel NewsOne has demonstrated a new image. The politician replaced the usual clothes in the style of “military” with a feminine blouse and for the first time appeared in public wearing makeup.

Makeup artist channel Alina Fan told the publication Stranaya about the new image of the MP. According to her, previously the MP refused even to apply the powder before the broadcast, but this time, she asked me to do her makeup.

“Savchenko herself has set the task: shadows, arrows, the colour of the lipstick. And the dress was her. She immediately confided in my hands and passed the session as the top model. I was surprised. To date, Savchenko refused to air even primp” — said the Fan edition.

Brutal MP #Savchenko was surprised by an unexpected change of imageновости

— REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) March 12, 2017

It is unknown what accounts for such a radical change in the way politics is, and will she return to the old image.

