Fines for Parking on lawns has been farmed out to the government


RIA Novosti

Parking on lawns, it may be possible to solve with the involvement of the government. The state Duma Council has decided to appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with the request, said two sources of “News” in the lower house. In the state Duma is considering a bill providing for motorists with fines from 1 up to 5 thousand rubles for Parking on the lawn. Deputies intend to specify who should identify the violations and to draw up reports, inspectors of the traffic police or the precinct and to define the concept of “lawn”.

The state Duma’s Council postponed consideration of the bill in the legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region, which introduces penalties from 1 to 5 thousand rubles for the passage or Parking on the lawn or other green areas (proposed new article 8.23.1 of the code of administrative offences).

It was planned that the deputies will accept the document in the first reading this week. However, on the advice of the state Duma unexpectedly, it was decided to appeal to Dmitry Medvedev, to find joint solutions to the problem of illegal Parking on lawns. Perhaps this subject will be raised at the visiting session of the Duma faction “United Russia” March 14, told two sources “news” in the GD. Of particular relevance is the bill became due to the fact that the current 2017 announced in Russia the Year of environmental protection.

The reason for the discussion at a high level, according to interlocutors of “Izvestia”, can be a uncertainty: it is still not clear which sectors are relevant violations to the field of road traffic or the protection of the environment and sanitary-epidemiological well-being. Now in some regions have adopted local laws providing for the punishment for Parking on lawns. For example, in the Moscow region the penalty is 5 thousand roubles, in the Chelyabinsk region — 1-3 thousand rubles. However, the owners have not once been able to challenge these laws in the Supreme court of the Russian Federation.

So, the court repeatedly recognized that the regions exceeded their powers, setting the punishment, in fact, for the violation of the laws “On environmental protection”, “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population”, while sanctions should be spelled out in the Federal administrative code.

In this case, the Supreme court pointed out that the violations in some cases were traffic and others — the area of sanitary and epidemiological welfare, environmental protection, landscaping.

The first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation Vyacheslav Lysakov (fraction “United Russia”) drew attention to the difficulty in differentiation disorders. Green areas can be of different accessories. The ones that adhere closely to the road, are part of the road, and, accordingly, a violation they have to control the police. If we are talking about the flower bed in the backyard, this landscaping and ecology.

Thus the Deputy notes that the assignment of a new part to Chapter 12 of the administrative code relating to violations in the field of traffic, will require amendments in the SDA. And they can only be introduced by the government. According to the parliamentarian, they must prescribe the prohibition of Parking on the lawn, you will provide responsibility.

Previously two of the Duma Committee on ecology and state construction and the legislation endorsed the bill, pointing to the urgency of the problem, although he acknowledged that questions remain. For example, the state Duma Committee on ecology in its opinion pointed out that Federal law does not define the concept of “lawn”. Remains unsolved and the content of the term “landscaped area”, though in the laws he found.

The coordinator of the movement “Blue buckets” Peter Shkumatov also drew attention to the lack of a legal definition of the term “lawn”. Therefore, it is possible to carry any parcel of land on which to grow something green, or common ground area.

— Roadside, where grass grows, but where you parked, can also be related to this concept. It falls under any nepasterizirovannym Playground, — said Petr Shkumatov.

In his opinion, to apply the law will need to create a special register of objects of an accomplishment, requesting information on such plots of land. Will need to warn drivers about the status of the site. Also, you should think about how to fix these violations. In particular, it is unclear how to define them in the winter, when the ground is covered with snow and ice, and there is no sign.

— How do people know that under the snow — grass or asphalt? the activist said. It is unclear how to prove that person wrong.

The coordinator of “Blue buckets” hopes that the bill in its proposed form will not be accepted, as it can contribute to abuse, and the strange situation —be interpreted in favor of the officials and will suffer as a result of drivers.

