The state Duma approved a bill on simplified issuance of Russian citizenship

The state Duma Committee on Affairs of nationalities approved the draft law simplifying the acquisition of Russian citizenship for Russian speakers. This was reported to the correspondent of”.ru”, his first Deputy Mikhail Starshinov Friday, March 10.

“Supported”, — said the Deputy, responding to a question about the results of consideration of the document at a meeting of the Committee appointed co-executor in his training.

According to the database of the Duma legislative activities, comments on the initiative should proceed in the relevant Committee on state construction and legislation March 17.

The bill was submitted to the lower house of Parliament, the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin (“United Russia”). A sponsor acts including Natalia Poklonskaya.

The document envisages amendments to the laws “On citizenship of the Russian Federation” and “On legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”. In the explanatory note to it it is noted that it is designed in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin.

Legislators propose to include under the category of “Russian speakers” citizens born in the former Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, as well as those “who have relatives in the direct ascending line who were born in Russia.”

In addition, it is expected to cancel the requirement to provide the document on exit from citizenship of a foreign state, because of which “the procedure for obtaining a residence permit and the citizenship of the Russian Federation made dependent on foreign regulations, from voluntarism to foreign officials.”

According to the interior Ministry, that of the thousands of Ukrainian citizens, only 24 received Russian citizenship as “native Russian speakers”, say MPs.

