Cosmic dumpling: new pictures of Saturn’s moon touched by the social network

Cosmic dumpling: new pictures of Saturn’s moon touched by the social network

Saturn’s moon pan is strange. The little moon in the Network compare with the dumpling, ravioli and UFOs. The reason the rocky ridge surrounding a celestial body.

New satellite pictures, stirred up the public, made interplanetary apparatus “Cassini”. Looking at them, it may seem that little pan tries to copy the shape of a large Saturn (what touches, when you think about it, says Mashable).

Nearing its end, Cassini delights again. Here is a 35-km Pan in mind-blowing detail with its unmistakable accretionary equatorial bulge.

— Carolyn Porco (@carolynporco) March 9, 2017

Rocky ridge, known as an Equatorial accretion swellings, named in honor of the Faun. It particles the rings of Saturn, which fell on the moon’s surface and gathered at the equator. Another moon of Saturn, Atlas also has a similar ridge.

Pan has dimensions of 35×35×23 km. It is a companion-“a shepherd”: the influence of its gravity, pan clears the neighborhood of its orbit from the particles of the ring.

Cassini nears the end of his more than 10-year mission, during which he studied Saturn and many of its 53 satellites. The unit arrived in orbit of ringed planet in 2004, and in September 2017, he will slam into the atmosphere of Saturn, where it will burn.

Source: NASA

