The teacher of the Moscow school resigned after the scandal with the Nude photos

Tomilinskiy teacher of secondary school №19 (Lyubertsy district of Moscow region) resigned in connection with the unfolding scandal of her photos in the social network. This TV channel “Zvezda” said the educational institution Director Tatyana Kiryakova.

According to her, the teacher on physical culture worked in this school for about a year, and during this time there were no complaints.

As suggested by Kiryakova, that the team had not traced the publication of the teacher is remiss.

“Yes, pictures depicting alcohol, is contrary to the rules. So unfortunately, today decided that it was dismissed” — said the Director. She argues that such a move 25-year-old teacher went on their own initiative.

“A young girl is engaged in gymnastics, doing cheerleading is a coach who speaks at all competitions and brings the first places everywhere. Therefore children love her and parents, so for us it was an absolute surprise,” concluded Kiryakova.

RIAMA the Agency Director said that the pictures on the website of the teacher was placed five years ago when she was still a student. In the pictures she is 19.

The footage, which was widely cited in the media, she is depicted in revealing costumes in the nightclub. In addition, some images are displayed bottles of alcohol and cigarettes. After the photo hit the press, the parents of the students demanded from the administration of the school to dismiss the teacher, puts the “Star”.

