In South Africa taxi drivers blocked the largest airport in Africa for Uber

The office of Uber in Johannesburg

In South Africa taxi drivers blocked the largest air Harbor of Africa in protest against Uber. On Friday, March 10, according to Reuters.

Hundreds of taxi drivers blocked the main road leading to the airport o R Tambo on the outskirts of Johannesburg. They need to ban the activities of Uber, arguing that it threatens them with ruin.

“Uber is illegal, said the spokesman of the taxi drivers, Siia Reuben (Reuben Mzayiya). — If you want to carry people, it must register with the Department of transportation and to fulfill their requirements. “Uber” nothing does. He simply created a parallel structure”.

As the result, thousands of people risk being late for flights, the airport is negotiating with airlines about a possible delay in emergency circumstances. Passengers are advised to leave for the airport several hours early.

At the moment in South Africa there are approximately four thousand drivers in the Uber system, and more than half a million users.

Uber service operating as an online platform that connects drivers with users who book a taxi from your smartphone. Its services are available in 250 cities in 50 countries around the world, including Moscow. The activities of the service have repeatedly caused mass protests of taxi drivers, fearing the ruin.

