A dream come true. Paul I was confident in security for 3 hours before death

A dream come true. Paul I was confident in security for 3 hours before death

Mikhailovsky castle, where he was killed Paul I, was superbly protected by a fortress. The Emperor himself took care of its inaccessibility. And not only material but also mystical. In his opinion, it was not threatened.

220 years ago, on 9 March 1797, one person started to realize the dream of a lifetime. The Emperor and autocrat of all the Russias Paul I put the first stone in the Foundation of his new residence — the Mikhailovsky castle.

It was there 4 years later he would be killed.

Brief reign of Paul in our minds filled with dark symbolism, mysticism and conspiracy. In particular, there is some particularly sinister role figure 4. Yeah, Emperor rules 4 years, 4 months and 4 days. Yes, it is so desirable and so inaccessible from sight the Palace was built also 4 years. And Paul lived it exactly 40 days. It does make me wonder.

In fact, the whole numerology far-fetched in hindsight. It is absolutely incomprehensible to come up with this design. Because of some coincidences and signs, and of bad character, it happened during the construction of the Palace in reality.

Stone on stone

When laying all the conventions have been met with a great campaign. Laying the Foundation the first symbolic stone, the Emperor received from the hands of the chief architect, Vincenzo Brenna, a shovel, lime and a silver hammer. Put a layer of mortar, Paul added to his happiness gold coin. The stone itself also has passed extensive training — a sleek piece of noble Italian marble bore the inscription: “In the summer of 1797 the Foundation of this building of the Mikhailovsky castle.” A light tapping of the silver hammer was intended finally to expel any impure forces and omens associated with this place.

And they existed in reality. Paul knew that in the process of digging holes under the Foundation found another stone. Soft greyish limestone, which is almost a nail was scrawled two words: “Ioann Antonovich”.

Perhaps the most unfortunate Emperor of the Romanov dynasty. Rules from October 1740 to November 1741. That is not even rules, and symbolically present on the throne, and came to “reign” in the age of two months. And then — the coup, the baby taken away from its mother and put in solitary confinement. His name prohibit. Removed everything related to it. And, in the end, after 24 years of bondage kill.

Superstitious Paul naporovshis this badge, you simply had to abandon the construction. But it didn’t stop him. On the contrary — started to customize.

The powers of heaven

Often tell the legend about why the castle was called Mikhailovsky. Say, stood the soldiers at the post, he was a vision of the Archangel Michael. Which he commanded to build a temple in his honor. The soldiers reported this to the Emperor, and here, if you please — ready new residence with the appropriate temple, which was called the building.

The story is ridiculous. But the truth in it. Paul really sought the intercession of higher powers. And found them in the name of Archangel Michael. First, in Scripture he is called “Prince”, “the patron of the Lord’s Host”, the main fighter against the Devil and wickedness. Secondly, it is with miracles Michael’s associated with the most critical moments of our history. So, he’s in 1126, he helped to defeat the Polovtsians, who had almost ruined Russia: “Filthy losers were the power of the true cross and the Holy Michael”. In 1237 he took the Tatars from Novgorod. Batu seeing the image in one of the ruined churches of Kiev, is supposed to have said: “This forbade me to go to Great Novgorod”. And he was on the Kulikovo field, when our almost faltered. And during the Troubles allegedly threatened the poles: “Soon the Almighty God will reward you with vengeance”.

History Paul knew. And logically reasoned that the Archangel Michael is the best person in the choice of the heavenly patron.

A long, happy life

“Small yard is a regular octagon. There can not enter neither in the crew nor the top… from the Outside the Palace looks more like the Bastille” — described the Mikhailovsky castle in the book “Journey to Petersburg”, the Frenchman Jean Francois Georgel. Even inexperienced people saw the main function of the castle. The inaccessibility. Here in the case of the coup and the assault could sit for a long time. In any case, from the lock out led several subterranean passages.

I thought it was all. Paul did not stint neither on the project nor on the construction site itself.

The total cost of the Mikhailovsky castle — 6 171 069 rubles.

He was considered the most expensive building of the XVIII century. And that’s just the official figures. Here is what a contemporary of Paul Adam Jerzy Czartoryski.

Never, under any construction was not as shameless theft. The architect Vincenzo Brenna, infinitely profited from this construction left a vast fortune not only his daughter but also to her husband, and their children, to their unutamadim Jerzy Czartoryski

On completion, Paul triumphed. The Mikhailovsky castle was his dream come true. The Emperor ordered to portray him, even on the dining set. Such, and were delivered for a late dinner March 11, 1801, the Emperor, having considered dear to my heart silhouette on the cups, plates and dishes, contentedly said, “Today is the happiest day of my life!” This life he remained a little over three hours.

