The return of compatriots in Russia is explained by the strengthening of Russophobia

Svetlana Zhurova

The return of Russians from abroad to the homeland is associated with the growing Russophobic sentiment and the increasing number of migrants in Europe, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Svetlana Zhurova. Her words quoted by the TV channel “360” Thursday, March 9.

“Judging from what my friends say, is, first, the relation to Russian in General, in connection with the sanctions, events, Russophobic sentiments, — said the Deputy. — Each of the Russian guests begin to look under the microscope.”

Of the European countries, in its view, nationals return including due to the influx of migrants. “Here [in Russia] is much easier,” said the MP.

Moreover, in Russia some move with their husbands-foreigners because of more favorable conditions for doing business, says Zhurova.

Earlier on Thursday the newspaper “Izvestia”, citing data from the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia reported that last year about 150 thousand Russians have returned from abroad to their homeland, including 30 thousand from the European Union countries. A third of compatriots arrived in Russia for political reasons, according to respondents edition experts.

