The interior Ministry has calculated who returned to Russia disenchanted compatriots

Approximately 150 thousand Russians in 2016, returned from abroad to their homeland. About it reports on Thursday, March 9, the newspaper “Izvestia”, citing data from the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia.

It is noted that the program of assistance to voluntary resettlement of compatriots. Will not only people living in CIS countries, but about 30 thousand Russians, previously moved to the EU.

According to experts, one third of compatriots arrived in Russia for political reasons. Among the reasons for returning included the failure of Western countries to integrate the Russian-speaking population, the pressure from the authorities and the media. Clarifies that anti-Russian sentiment in Europe has increased in 2014.

According to the survey “Levada-center” conducted in the summer of 2016, to emigrate outside the former Soviet Union wanted almost every fifth Russian (19%). At the same time probably would not want to leave Russia 28 percent of citizens who definitely don’t want to leave the country even 47 percent.

