Reuters called the likely source of the leak of CIA secrets to WikiLeaks

Reuters called the likely source of the leak of CIA secrets to WikiLeaks

Most likely, the secret documents about the hacker technology CIA gave WikiLeaks employees working in the intelligence contract, told Reuters sources in the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

The CIA has described the leak and publication of documents an attempt to undermine work to protect US from enemies, but did not confirm or deny their authenticity and the beginning of the investigation. According to CNN, the leakage together to investigate the CIA and the FBI. About the beginning of a criminal investigation by the FBI and informed American source Los Angeles Times. A government source to Reuters, who is aware of the situation, said that the joint investigation is normal practice for such leaks. Your investigation should initiate and relevant committees of the Senate and house of representatives, sources say Reuters in Congress.

NewsWikiLeaks: the CIA has been tapping the phones, computers and TVs (updated)

The U.S. intelligence agencies about the theft of information knew the end of 2016, said two sources to Reuters. In their opinion, the documents that speak about the hacker technology of the CIA, used from 2013 to 2016, genuine.

One of the sources said that the companies with which the CIA has concluded contracts about cooperation, check which of their employees had access to published information, they checked their computer logs, e-mails and other electronic documents, which may be an indication of their involvement in the theft.

In recent years, contracted employees were the sources of leaks of classified data in some cases, reminds Reuters, referring to stuck in Russia, Edward Snowden, and detained in August 2016, the Harold Thomas Martin. Both were employees of consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton and worked on contract to the NSA.

According to the most WikiLeaks, the CIA “lost control” over their own archive of documents about the hacking technologies, and these documents allegedly uncontrollably circulated among former contractors and special services consisting in the civil service of hackers, one of which was shared with the group is part of this archive.

Russian trace in this leak is not yet visible

One source explained to Reuters that the Russian intelligence first tried to use the material in their own interests, before you publish it, but no evidence of such attempts no.

The consequence of leakage of documents may be strengthening the cooperation of the American and European intelligence agencies who are also concerned about the intelligence activities of Russia, said the European source Reuters.

The public in the United States should be extremely alarmed by the WikiLeaks publication of CIA documents, the purpose of which is to undermine the ability of intelligence agencies to protect America from terrorists and other enemies, said this intelligence. The Ministry said that it will neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of public documents and would not comment on whether the search for the source of the leak.

The CIA recalled that his goal was to “aggressively collect foreign intelligence” to protect America from terrorists, hostile States and other opponents. For this purpose the office needs to use the latest technological developments and be at the forefront of technology development, America deserves nothing less, says the commentary. The CIA also reminded that it is illegal to follow through with your electronic devices for fellow citizens on US soil, and it does not. Management strictly ensures that its activities are consistent with the laws of the country.

The President of the United States Donald trump is extremely concerned about possible leaks of classified information, it is clear from his previous comments, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. Reported by ABC News. He noted that it is not ready yet to talk about the attitude of the President for publication on WikiLeaks of an array of documents about the work of kiberprestupniki the CIA under the code Vault 7 (“box 7”). But if the released documents are authentic, trump will regard this leak as a threat, he added.

Spicer argues that in the course of the election campaign trump praised WikiLeaks for publishing leaks from mail adviser’s her rival — the candidate from Democrats Hillari Clinton. However, after the inauguration, the President repeatedly criticized the security services for drain classified information to journalists and demanded to stop it. According to Spicer, it’s one thing to publish email John Podestà from a box on Gmail on the discussions among Democrats and personal letters with his assessment of Hillary Clinton, it is another leak of classified data. “And make no mistake, the President has already said that anyone who organizes the leak of classified information, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the official said.

Wikileaks has published only the first batch of 8700 documents showing that the CIA uses methods similar to the methods of the national security Agency USA is the main us service, which deals with electronic surveillance and espionage. Leak meant to show the true scale of the secret hacking programs office aimed at breaking the mass of devices and products. Among them Apple iPhone, Google Android devices, Microsoft Windows, and Samsung TVs that can turn into a device of total surveillance.

