New York bred pig patrol

New York bred pig patrol

Dwarf pig began to patrol the streets in the centre of new York. This writes the New York Post, also posting a picture of the animal.

According to the newspaper, two cops with a pig in uniform the vest and the red leash was spotted in the SOHO district in Manhattan.

He’s New York’s Swinest

— New York Post (@nypost) March 8, 2017

The New York Post notes that city law prohibits keeping a home pig in the apartment, but to walk with an animal on the streets is not forbidden.

In September last year, the ranks of the Australian police had adopted a street cat named ed.

With his help, the guards intended to get rid of rodents, attacked the police stables in New South Wales.

“The cat supports all constables, walking with them while they are busy with their daily duties. After that, he usually patrols the stables. And when they start the service, ed went to sleep,” — said the representative of law enforcement bodies on routine “colleague”.

