The survey showed that three quarters of Americans consider Russia a threat


RIA Novosti

Three-quarters of Americans consider Russia a threat, this is the highest level since the cold war, according to a survey by CNN and the company ORC.

According to the survey, 75% of respondents found it “very serious” (34%) or “moderately serious” (41%) threat. Slightly more than half of Democrats believe that Russia is a “very serious” threat, slightly more than half of Republicans — “moderately serious”. In General, 85% of Democrats, 77% Republicans and 68% of independent survey participants believe that Russia is a threat in varying degrees.

In recent times concerns have reached such a level in November 1985, at the beginning of the era of perestroika and glasnost in the USSR.

While 55% say they are concerned about the accusations against Russia of meddling in elections in the United States, and 45% say that they are not too worried or not worried at all.

More than Russia, the USA fear North Korea (81%) and banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (91%). Iran’s fear 75% of the respondents.

The survey was conducted March 1-4 among 1,025 thousand adult Americans. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

