The Commissioner spoke about the end of Europe in case of victory of Le Pen

Pierre Moscovici

Victory in the French presidential election candidate from the far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen essentially means the end of Europe in its current understanding. This was stated by European Commissioner for economic and financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici in an interview with Die Zeit, his words, reports the Epoch Times.

According to Moscovici, if France, in accordance with election promises, Le Pen out of the EU and the Euro zone, then Europe will cease to exist.

But the European Commission, according to him, such scenario is not even released. “Our “plan A”: it will lose. I hope she loses, this is an important sign that the French did not succumb to her persuasion. I do politics for many years, and my experience tells me that to “plan B” to prepare do not — this means that you no longer believe in your original plan,” explained the Commissioner.

Presidential elections will be held in France in April-may of 2017. In addition to Le Pen, in the struggle for a post of the head of state will attend the candidate from right party “the Republicans” françois Fillon and the leader of movement “Forward!” Emmanuel Macron.

