McCain told the obvious when WikiLeaks with Russia

John McCain

American Republican Senator John Maccain called the obvious connection between Russia and WikiLeaks. As writes the Washington Examiner, he responded to a question about whether Moscow relation to the publication organization of a massive archive of secret documents to the CIA.

“I can’t say that Russians are responsible for this, but it is clear that WikiLeaks is associated with Russia,” the politician said, pointing to the fact that a former employee of U.S. intelligence Edward Snowden handed to journalists in 2013, the number of secret documents, now lives in Russia.

Commenting on the new leak, McCain also noted the need to strengthen the cybersecurity of the United States because “if hackers can hack the CIA, they can crack anyone.”

March 7, WikiLeaks posted more than 8,5 thousands of secret documents to the CIA. Publication that contains information “about the whole hacking machine” by U.S. intelligence agencies, called “Asylum 7”.

In the organization of whistleblowers argue that the CIA has actually lost control of his hacking Arsenal that allows you to control many devices around the world: we are talking about programs that allow you to access telephones on platforms iOS and Android, computers running Windows and smart TV Samsung. Themselves malware has not been published — their publication is expected in the case of social consensus on their analysis and “neutralization”.

In February WikiLeaks announced on the surveillance of the CIA for French politicians during the presidential election in a European country in 2012. According to released documents, the Americans were interested in the mood within the party, relations with business circles, sources of financing, including from abroad.

