IG* took responsibility for an attack on a military hospital in Kabul

IG* took responsibility for an attack on a military hospital in Kabul

MOSCOW, 8 Mar — RIA Novosti. Terrorist group “Islamic state”* took responsibility for an attack on a military hospital in the capital of Afghanistan TV channel Tolo News.

On Wednesday the building of the military hospital of Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan near the U.S. Embassy North of the Afghan capital, an explosion occurred, shooting began.

According to media reports, the militants were dressed in white coats of doctors. All the attackers were five: one was blown up at the main entrance to the hospital, the other four got inside the building.

Later, the security forces eliminated two of the attackers, two others continue to resist.

The victims, according to the latest data, there were four people, injured 66.

#Kabul – Footage shows Special Force Unit, Army helicopters & other security force members responding attack on hospital pic.twitter.com/gCuwGGTbDn

— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) on 8 March 2017.

*A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

