Zoologists have proposed an explanation of the contrasting color of pandas

Zoologists have proposed an explanation of the contrasting color of pandas

American zoologists suggested explanation for the contrasting black and white coloring giant pandas. According to their hypothesis, the white parts of the pandas help them to remain invisible in snow and black — to hide in the shadows. The article was published in the journal Behavioral Ecology.

The contrasting black and white coloration, like giant pandas or zebras, are pretty rare in mammals and its adaptive significance is not always clear. Earlier zoologists from the University of California in Davis showed that the zebras of their black and white stripes help repel bloodsucking insects. Now the same group of researchers decided to find out what is the role of black-and-white color of giant pandas.

The authors decided to test all the main existing hypotheses attempting to explain the meaning of the color of pandas.

So, the hypothesis warning coloration suggests that the contrasting color signals about danger animal (virulence or aggressiveness). According to the hypothesis about the camouflage color, the white color of the fur allows the ring to remain invisible in snow. Another hypothesis suggests that the black fur helps to better accumulate heat from the sun. Finally, according to the latest hypothesis, contrasting spots on the head are used pandas for communication among themselves.

To test all these hypotheses, the authors divided the body of pandas to areas with different coloration and compared them with the corresponding parts of the body other predatory animals.

In total, the analysis included 195 species of wild animals, including members of the family bear refers to the giant Panda

In the first method, the authors isolated areas based on the color of pandas, the second — on the basis of color other predatory animals. Then, for each such site the researchers analyzed the correlation with various aspects of the ecology of each included in the analysis: in what landscape he lives, whether he’s in snowy or shaded areas, what is the average temperature in its habitat if it is day or night, he lives in social groups or has a solitary lifestyle. After that, the authors evaluated the correlation between the color of each selected area of the body and environmental aspects.

It turned out that none of the hypotheses can fully explain the color of pandas. So, the authors found a high correlation between living in shaded forests and dark color of the limbs and upper back. As is to be expected, the researchers found a high correlation between living in a snow-covered field and white winter coloring animals.

On this basis, they suggested that white painted face, neck, back and belly of a Panda and help her stay invisible on the background of snow, and black front and back paws allow you to hide in the shadows. However, this assumption does not explain what adaptive value are the white parts of the body out of the snow-covered habitats (e.g., forest), and do not interfere with pandas black limbs remain invisible in the snow.

The scientists also found a correlation between the presence of dark color the ears and the “glasses” around the eyes and the sociality of animals

On this basis, they suggested that the black “glasses” around the eyes can be used either for individual recognition in the group or for the demonstration of aggressive intentions. The last assumption is confirmed by the fact that, as observations show, the pandas, to demonstrate to other individuals of their peaceful intentions often hide the face and cover dark markings around the eyes legs.

Thus, the authors were unable to confirm any of the hypotheses that would fully explain all the coloring pandas: for different parts of the body most likely hypothesis was different. According to the authors, such a contrast painting of pandas is their almost entirely bamboo-based diet.

Due to the inability to eat other feeds pandas can’t store a large amount of fat and therefore do not hibernate in the winter, as do many other bears. They have to stay active all year round in search of food to travel long distances on a variety of landscapes, from tropical forests to snowy mountains. While pandas are not capable of rapid molt, which would have helped them to dramatically change color to fit different landscapes.

. So they bought a contrasting color, which gives them an advantage both in the shade of the forest, and a snow background

The giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) belongs to the bear family from the Carnivora — however, despite its systematic position, its diet consists almost entirely of bamboo. Previously, giant pandas found in China, Myanmar and Vietnam, however, due to hunting and destruction of their habitats today Panda is only found in a few mountainous areas in Central China.

Until recently, giant pandas were considered an endangered species. Despite the similar names, giant pandas are not related to small pandas: red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) forms its own family ailuridae, and the next her family is representative of the family of weasel, raccoon and skunk, not the bears. The similarity of big and small pandas converged and emerged as a result of independent adaptation to a bamboo diet.

Sophia Zolotovskaya

