Klimenko believes that in the future the Internet will cease to be anonymous
MOSCOW, March 6 — RIA Novosti/Prime. Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on the Internet German Klimenko believes that in the future the Internet will cease to be anonymous for registration will need to indicate, for example, passport number or social security number.
“By and large, it seems to me that the first way, which we will go is deanonimizatsiya of the Internet, it is inevitable. This all go, it’s okay,” said Klimenko live Live VK (social network “Vkontakte” for live broadcasts).
“When that happens, I don’t know. That is, it could be a year, three, five, but this is an inevitable process,” he added.
He stressed that Russia is not preparing any regulations in this regard.
“No, no one cooks (in Russia — ed.). In this part we use the international experience, we watch it happen in the world. To get ahead of ourselves do not need,” — said Klimenko.