Former Deputy head of the Federal tourism Agency became the government of the Novgorod region


RIA Novosti

Former Deputy head of the Federal tourism Agency Nikolai Beginners since March 1, was appointed Advisor to the acting Governor of the Novgorod region Andrei Nikitin. This was reported on the website of the regional government.

“Tourism development is one of the key areas of work of Andrei Nikitin. Novgorod oblast has a rich cultural and tourist potential, which could become one of locomotives of development of the entire region”, — stated in the message.

According to “Kommersant”, in the future, Newbies could become Deputy Governor and to oversee the tourism in the region.

Nikitin became head of the Novgorod region in mid-February. Prior to this, in 2011 he was the head of the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI).

Beginners previously headed the working group on tourism development expert Council under the government of Russia, was also an adviser to the culture Minister, worked in the government of Perm Krai.

