“Witch hunt” Lavrov about the scandal around Kislyak


RIA Novosti

The head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov compared the situation related to contacts with the Russian Ambassador to Washington Sergei Kislyak with the US administration, with the “witch hunt”, reports RIA Novosti.

“It all looks like a witch hunt. Or on the days of McCarthyism, which we thought for a long time in the US, as in a civilized country, has passed”, – said Lavrov.

He noted that the ambassadors is appointed to conduct meetings and discussions with official authorities and with other people.

“Concerning the situation around Russian-American relations, and specifically around those contacts, which our Ambassador and will be conducted, I can say one thing — in fact, ambassadors are appointed for the sake of maintaining relations between States, relations have been maintained in the form of meetings, discussions, contact with officials of the Executive government and with parliamentarians, public figures, non-governmental organizations, and the practice no one ever challenged”, — said Lavrov.

