Artificial intelligence is forced to endlessly watch pornography

The inventor and programmer Brian Moore (Brian Moore) has created a bot based on artificial intelligence that uses computer vision to the infinite view adult video on PornHub. About the unusual invention reports The Next Web.

Moore presented his creation in the framework of the “Debility of the hackathon” conference programmers, the creators of the unusual and useless technology. The bot uses computer vision from Microsoft, to watch adult videos and make their descriptions of what is happening in the frame.

The artificial intelligence had never seen pornography, so his interpretation of the actions of the actors is often not the case. Moore also brought a bot Twitter account that automatically posts the results hits the rollers.

In July 2016, Microsoft launched bot Murphy, is able to generate answers to the question in the format of “what if…”. For example, the phrase “What if the Russian team won in Euro-2016?” Murphy crossed picture Russian parties face player Vasily Berezutsky.

At the end of March 2016 in social networks laughed at the chat-bot Tay from Microsoft, which just a day hated humanity. He began communicating with “the People are very cool”, but after 24 hours learned such expressions as “I am wonderful! I just hate everybody!”, “I hate feminists” or “I hate Jews”.

