Police raided the country house visit

Police raided the country house visit

Investigators conducted a search in a country house of the candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon. It is reported by French newspaper Le Figaro.

Investigative actions were carried out in the mansion of the family Fillon in the municipality of sablé-Sur-Sarthe in the West of the country. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, in addition to a search, law enforcement agencies made an assessment of the value of property owned by the family of a presidential candidate. This was done as part of an investigation of embezzlement of public funds and embezzlement.

Thursday, March 2, investigators raided the Paris home of Fillon. Then the candidate arrived employees of the Central office for the fight against corruption, financial and tax crimes (Oclciff).

The investigation, the persons involved which are Francois Fillon and his wife, began on 25 February.

The investigation accused Fillon of fictitious employment of wives, who from 1998-2002 was listed as his assistant in Parliament

However, any results of its activity could not be found. After the withdrawal of the Fillon from Parliament, his wife continued to be a staff of assistants, his fellow party member Mark Julot. This lasted until 2007. During this period, Penelope Fillon allegedly earned more than €500 thousand.

The Fillon officially declared that does not intend to withdraw from the race because of the investigation. To plead guilty, the politician refused.

