Wounded in Syria major General Milyukhina was taken to intensive care

Wounded in Syria major General Milyukhina was taken to intensive care

MOSCOW, 3 Mar — RIA Novosti. Wounded in the fighting in Syria, the head of Department of combat training of the headquarters of the Western military district, major-General Peter Melugin taken to the intensive care unit of the Main military clinical hospital named after Burdenko. About it RIA Novosti was told in the waiting room of the hospital.


Earlier, several media outlets reported that Melugin injured about a week ago during the battle for Palmyra.

“He’s in the 56th ward, is the emergency room,” he answered by a receptionist on a question of correspondent of RIA Novosti on the condition of the captain.

To reveal any details about the circumstances of the hospitalization, the hospital refused.

Palmyra, one of the richest centers of ancient civilization, was under the control of the terrorist group “Islamic state”* in may 2015. The Syrian army, backed by Russian aviation liberated the city in March 2016. In December, the militants of the IG* once again captured Palmyra and destroyed a part of its monuments. The second of March 2017, it became known that the Syrian military with the support of Russian aviation in the second time took Palmyra, retreating militants have mined but did not manage to destroy many of the ancient buildings.

*A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

