USA half cut military assistance to Ukraine

United States reduces some military assistance to Ukraine twice. The corresponding document prepared in Congress. It is published on the official website of the Committee on appropriations of the house of representatives.


As noted in the document, this year, Washington plans to spend on training and equipment of soldiers of the Ukrainian army, as well as on arms in the Square, $ 150 million.


For comparison, last year for the same purpose, it took about 300 million. In the United States stress that to strengthen the National guard of Ukraine will be purely defensive technique, no anti-aircraft missile complexes of the question.


However, in Kiev I hope that, despite budget cuts, America, nevertheless, not cease to support them.


That Washington will not leave Ukraine, has repeatedly promised Senator John McCain and the first Deputy Minister of defense Bob Wark.


It is worth noting that the idea of supplying lethal weapons to Kiev supports and current U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

Photo: Sandro Maddalena/

