Trump called criticism of the attorney General on a witch-hunt

Donald trump and Jeff sessions

The US President Donald trump called a “witch hunt” criticism of attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions because of his meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. About the statement of the head of the White house, which leads Reuters.

“The Democrats will overplay their hand. This is total witch hunt!” said trump.

The President called Sesna “honest man” and said that he did not make false statements, speaking during the consideration of his nomination to the Senate. “He could make your answer more accurate, but it obviously wasn’t done intentionally,” — said the head of the White house.

Earlier on March 2, trump said that “fully” trusts Jeff Seshns. At the same time, he noted that he was not aware of the contacts of the attorney General with the Russian Ambassador.

Sam sessions, commenting on a March 2 meeting with Kislyak, assured that he discussed with the Russian side campaign of Donald trump. However, he recused himself in the investigation related to this issue.

On March 1, the Washington Post reported that the sessions met with the Russian Ambassador several months before the US presidential election, and in January, at the hearings in the Senate regarding his claim for attorney General didn’t mention it.

