The Director has forbidden Muslims to pray at German school

The management of the school named after Johannes Rau in the German city of Wuppertal (Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia) has banned pupils-Muslims to pray and perform other religious rituals in school. Representatives of educational institutions noted that public prayers provoke other students and give rise to disputes about freedom and religion. It was reported by Der Westen.

The scientific Council of the school sent a letter to the city administration, which States that the manifestation of religious belief is prohibited in school. After placing this document on Facebook, the situation caused a lot of discussion in social networks and local media.

The municipal authorities stressed that the wording of the statement was unsuccessful. The school is going to discuss with students the incident and consider possible solutions to the problem. However, the school has every right to ban to pray “in a provocative manner,” said the city authorities.

According to Deutsche Welle, this message is responded immediately, right-wing populists. So, division of a far-right party “Alternative for Germany” in Wuppertal have expressed support for the actions of the school, describing them as “interesting and wise step on the part of the institution.”

In early December, Reuters noted that in German society there is a high level of anxiety in relation to migrants, despite the sharp reduction in their flow. If in 2015 we moved to Germany 890 thousand refugees from the Middle East, then in 2016 was was 280 thousand people.

