Reuters found out about the lack of funds for the construction of the U.S. wall with Mexico

Reuters found out about the lack of funds for the construction of the U.S. wall with Mexico

The Department of homeland security (DHS), the U.S. can devote to building the wall with Mexico of $20 million, but it is not enough to implement the entire project. About it reports Reuters with reference to the document Department.

Earlier, the President, Donald trump declared that the wall must be built at the expense of “means and resources”. However, allocated $20 million will be insufficient to begin construction of the border fence of Mexico.

Of this amount, as indicated by Reuters, will last only for the construction of a border fence near NACO (Arizona) and the installation of surveillance cameras at the border.

This means that the White house will have to convince Congress to allocate additional funding. The total cost of the project, according to DHS, will be $21.6 billion. Ministry Officials declined to comment.

According to the document, DHS sought $376 million for security at the border, infrastructure and technology, so it did not ask for congressional approval to restructure the financing.

Wall trump: how the United States cut off from Mexico

In mid-February, Reuters, citing a document of the Ministry of internal security announced that the cost of the wall project increased 1.5 times compared to the initial estimate.

The authors of the document believe that the construction of the wall will consist of three stages. It is expected that by 2010 it will build a system of fences and walls with a total length of 2000 km.

Then trump promised to reduce the cost of the project. During the election campaign, he called for $12 billion, and the leaders of the Republicans in Congress hoped that the project will cost $15 billion.

At the end of January this year, the US President signed a decree according to which, on the southern border of the country to be built wall. It is expected that this will restrict the flow of illegal migration from Mexico. Trump said that Mexico is “100 percent reimburse US for the construction of the wall, however, at the initial stage of the construction will be funded by us taxpayers. Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto refused to pay for the wall.

