Trump stated the need for infrastructure programs to a trillion dollars

Donald Tramploline: trump has promised to find new friends in the world

The President of the United States Donald trump in his speech before Congress said that the country needs a new infrastructure development programme with a volume of a trillion dollars.

According to him, the time has come for a new program of national reconstruction. While the US has spent about 6 trillion dollars in the middle East, their own crumbling infrastructure, said trump.

The President explained that a trillion dollars can be invested through public and private capital. With this proposal he will speak to the Congress. Implementation of the program, he said, will create several million new jobs.

Trump said that the basis of this program will have two principle “buy American” and “hire Americans.”

The President urged to restart the engine of the American economy to make companies easier to do business in the USA and harder to go to other countries. He promised to lower tax rates for American companies, and introduce tax breaks for the middle class.

