Belarus accused Kiev of escalating the migration crisis

Minsk accused Ukraine of escalating a crisis with migrants in order to receive funds from the West “Threats” from illegal migration from the Belarusian territory for the sake of receiving funds from “Western curators”. He announced this in an interview with the STV TV channel. According to him, if what is happening in Poland and Lithuania can still be somehow justified, since they are NATO members, then what is happening in Ukraine defies common sense … He stressed that this is already the hysteria of Kiev in the hope of getting some funds from the West in order to snatch something for himself. Earlier, a deputy from the Social Democratic Party of Germany Nils Schmid proposed to open a controlled path for migrants to Poland and involve Ukraine in solving the problem with refugees on the border with Belarus. He noted that in order to open the external borders of

Belarus accused Kiev of escalating the migration crisis

Minsk accused Ukraine of escalating a crisis with migrants in order to receive funds from the West State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich accused Kiev “Threats” from illegal migration from the Belarusian territory for the sake of receiving funds from “Western curators”. He announced this in an interview with the STV TV channel. According to him, if what is happening in Poland and Lithuania can still be somehow justified, since they are NATO members, then what is happening in Ukraine defies common sense … He stressed that this is already the hysteria of Kiev in the hope of getting some funds from the West in order to snatch something for himself. Earlier, a deputy from the Social Democratic Party of Germany Nils Schmid proposed to open a controlled path for migrants to Poland and involve Ukraine in solving the problem with refugees on the border with

WHO evaluates the effectiveness of vaccines against omicron-strain COVID-19

WHO: existing vaccines are effective against the omicron strain COVID-19 The World Health Organization (WHO) has evaluated the efficacy of vaccines against the omicron strain coronavirus. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the statement of the international organization, the existing drugs are effective against the new variant of COVID-19. At the same time, there is not enough information for statements that the omicron is more dangerous than the delta strain of the virus, the WHO stressed. The organization also noted that it is still not clear whether this strain is more transmissible, whether it leads to a more severe course of the disease and whether its symptoms differ from other known variants of the disease. Earlier it was reported that the World the health organization deliberately omitted two letters of the Greek alphabet when naming a new strain of coronavirus. WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris explained that the nude

WHO announced the ability of the omicron strain to infect previously ill COVID-19

WHO: the omicron strain can infect people who have previously been ill with COVID-19 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a high risk of infection – a strain of the coronavirus of people who have previously had COVID-19. This is reported by TASS. At the same time, the organization noted that information on this matter is still “limited.” Earlier, the WHO evaluated the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain of coronavirus. The existing drugs are effective against the new COVID-19 variant, according to the statement. At the same time, there is not enough information for statements that the omicron is more dangerous than the delta strain of the virus, the WHO stressed. The WHO also noted that it is still not clear whether this strain is more transmissible, whether it leads to a more severe course of the disease and whether its symptoms differ from other known variants

Canadian official turned out to be a fake aborigine and lost her job

Canadian professor pretended to be an indigenous mestizo, was exposed and lost her job a professor at an institute doing relevant research turned out to be a fake Aboriginal. Soon after her real origin, which she lied about, was revealed, she lost her job, writes The New York Post. Bourassa claimed to belong to a special ethnic group – Canadian mestizo. However, an analysis of her family history revealed that she is a descendant of immigrants from Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The truth about her ancestors angered her colleagues, especially the mestizo. “When some impostor speaks on behalf of the mestizo and other indigenous peoples, he tells what it means to be mestizo (…) it is very unpleasant, outrageous and harmful, ”said Janet Smiley, a mestizo spokeswoman. In 2016, a black activist from Keene University, New Jersey, was sentenced to 90 days in the United States for sending

Minsk states that there is no threat from migrants

Minsk called the attempt to break through the border by refugees as a reaction of “desperate people” The State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich said this in an interview with the STV TV channel on November 28. According to Volfovich, the refugees' attempt to break through the border was a defensive reaction from “desperate people” and should not be feared. “People went with normal, peaceful purposes wherever they were called – to Germany, Great Britain, Europe. They run there, trying to find ways to achieve their goal. I would not say that they pose a threat to Belarus, “the politician noted. He also added that such a reaction of migrants in response to the flash-noise grenades of the Polish security forces is predictable. “I put myself in the shoes of any man: if there were a wife and a child next to them, in which a

Minsk states that there is no threat from migrants

Minsk called the attempt to break through the border by refugees as a reaction of “desperate people” The State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich said this in an interview with the STV TV channel on November 28. According to Volfovich, the refugees' attempt to break through the border was a defensive reaction from “desperate people” and should not be feared. “People went with normal, peaceful purposes wherever they were called – to Germany, Great Britain, Europe. They run there, trying to find ways to achieve their goal. I would not say that they pose a threat to Belarus, “the politician noted. He also added that such a reaction of migrants in response to the flash-noise grenades of the Polish security forces is predictable. “I put myself in the shoes of any man: if there were a wife and a child next to them, in which a

The Kremlin responded to the “hysteria” whipped up in the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian media

Peskov called all reproaches that Russia is behaving aggressively, absolutely groundless Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said Russia is not going to attack anyone. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Peskov, commenting on the statement of the head of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Russian leader Vladimir Putin should give guarantees of non-aggression against Ukraine, noted the absolute groundlessness of allegations of aggressive behavior or intentions of Moscow. He stressed that Russia has not prepared, is not preparing and will not prepare any offensive against anyone. “Russia is an absolutely peace-loving country that is interested in good relations with its neighbors,” Peskov said. The Kremlin spokesman also added that the hysteria that is now being whipped up in the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian media and with Zelensky himself is unacceptable. “And we fear that this inflation may be an attempt to hide our own preparations for a military solution

The Kremlin responded to the “hysteria” whipped up in the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian media

Peskov called all reproaches that Russia is behaving aggressively, absolutely groundless Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said Russia is not going to attack anyone. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Peskov, commenting on the statement of the head of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Russian leader Vladimir Putin should give guarantees of non-aggression against Ukraine, noted the absolute groundlessness of allegations of aggressive behavior or intentions of Moscow. He stressed that Russia has not prepared, is not preparing and will not prepare any offensive against anyone. “Russia is an absolutely peace-loving country that is interested in good relations with its neighbors,” Peskov said. The Kremlin spokesman also added that the hysteria that is now being whipped up in the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian media and with Zelensky himself is unacceptable. “And we fear that this inflation may be an attempt to hide our own preparations for a military solution

In Ukraine, a case was opened over the shooting of a journalist from a howitzer in Donbass

A criminal case was opened in Ukraine after a journalist fired a cannon at Donbas The State Bureau of Investigation as a journalist, Yuri Butusov posted a video in which he shoots a cannon at Donbass. This was reported on the agency's website. At the same time, the RRB clarified that they were interested in who and under what conditions allowed a civilian to be armed. The investigation classified that shot as “Violation of the rules for handling weapons, as well as with substances and objects posing an increased danger to others” and “Planning, preparing, unleashing and waging an aggressive war.” At the same time, to Butusov himself the RRB did not have any claims. The bureau also asked not to involve him in political games. On Saturday, Butusov posted a video in which he fired from a howitzer towards the militia in Donbass. At the same time, the journalist