The authorities of the Kemerovo region spoke about the work at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Governor Tsivilev: drilling of wells in the Listvyazhnaya mine will take about 5-6 days the Listvyazhnaya mine to prevent further explosions. Wells are being drilled into the mine, said the regional governor Sergei Tsivilev, quoted by TASS. This work may take about 5-6 days, the head of the region added. Earlier, the Ministry of Emergency Situations confirmed that an explosion occurred in the mine, this was shown by studies of air samples. The explosive concentration of gas and other indicators indicate that an explosion in the mine can occur at any time, so the work of mine rescuers is currently suspended. Earlier, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported the discovery of the bodies of 18 victims in the Kuzbass mine. Their ascent to the top is not yet possible due to the sharp deterioration of the atmosphere in the mine. According to the department, the number of people injured in

The technology of construction of “living” houses is described

Scientists talked about the possibility of creating self-healing houses Scientists at Harvard University have described the technology of using living ink in the construction of houses. The study was published in the scientific journal Nature Communications. Experts from Harvard University and Harvard Medical School have created a new type of living ink that can be used to print building materials. In the future, there is the possibility of erecting buildings, walls and all communications of which will be restored on their own. This eliminates the need for repairs. The researchers said that microbiological engineers have worked for several years to create living materials suitable for building buildings. The most difficult thing in this process turned out to be to make the obtained materials retain their volumetric structure. The problem was solved when microbiologists isolated building ink using Escherichia coli. At the finishing stage, specialists took living nanofibers and bound them

Beeline named ways not to be left without corporate communication from December 1

Amendments to the Law “On Communications” will enter into force on December 1 numbers on State Services will be unavailable from the first days of December. Beeline found out that the employees of the companies are aware of the upcoming changes in the law “On Communications”. According to the amendments, users of corporate SIM-cards need to enter data about themselves and their number into the Unified Identification and Authorization System on the State Services portal in order to avoid blocking. The fact is that from December 1, telecom operators will not be able to provide communication services using corporate numbers not registered in the Unregistered Unified Information System, and their service will be suspended. For the study, Beeline used its own mobile polls service. 1,000 people took part 62 percent of respondents know about the upcoming restrictions. The employer reported this to 54 percent of those surveyed. Eight percent learned

The technology of construction of “living” houses is described

Scientists talked about the possibility of creating self-healing houses Scientists at Harvard University have described the technology of using living ink in the construction of houses. The study was published in the scientific journal Nature Communications. Experts from Harvard University and Harvard Medical School have created a new type of living ink that can be used to print building materials. In the future, there is the possibility of erecting buildings, walls and all communications of which will be restored on their own. This eliminates the need for repairs. The researchers said that microbiological engineers have worked for several years to create living materials suitable for building buildings. The most difficult thing in this process turned out to be to make the obtained materials retain their volumetric structure. The problem was solved when microbiologists isolated building ink using Escherichia coli. At the finishing stage, specialists took living nanofibers and bound them

Cyprus plans to tighten coronavirus measures for tourists

The Cypriot authorities plan to introduce PCR tests for coronavirus at all airports in the country the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus omicron. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by TASS with reference to the Minister of Health of the Republic, Michalis Hadjipandelas. “As for additional measures, we have agreed with experts on the mandatory conduct of PCR tests at all airports,” said the head The Ministry of Health and added that it is also planned to introduce PCR and rapid testing at all points of entry into the country, in ports and marinas. It is noted that currently the question of whether to undergo a study on COVID 19 or not, applies only to unvaccinated persons and depends on the epidemic category of the country from which the tourist came. Earlier it was reported that the Russian woman had a rest in Tunisia, having spent 97.5

Cyprus plans to tighten coronavirus measures for tourists

Cypriot authorities plan to introduce PCR tests for coronavirus at all airports in the country the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus omicron. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by TASS with reference to the Minister of Health of the Republic, Michalis Hadjipandelas. “As for additional measures, we have agreed with experts on the mandatory conduct of PCR tests at all airports,” said the head The Ministry of Health and added that it is also planned to introduce PCR and rapid testing at all points of entry into the country, in ports and marinas. It is noted that currently the question of whether to undergo a study on COVID 19 or not, applies only to unvaccinated persons and depends on the epidemic category of the country from which the tourist came. Earlier it was reported that the Russian woman had a rest in Tunisia, having spent 97.5 thousand

The regions of Russia with the most expensive land are named

By the end of the third quarter of 2021, the cost of one hundred square meters of land in Crimea reached 180 thousand rubles. By the end of the third quarter of 2021 among regions of Russia the most expensive land plots for individual housing construction (IZHS) were found in Crimea – the average cost reached 180 thousand rubles per hundred square meters. These are the conclusions reached by experts from Avito Real Estate, RBC reports. The average price of a land plot in Crimea has increased by 20 percent over the year. The region with the most expensive land was also named the Rostov region with an indicator of 143.9 thousand rubles per hundred square meters – an increase also reached 20 percent. The Krasnodar Territory was among the leaders in terms of the cost of land plots, where 118.5 thousand rubles will have to be paid for a

The regions of Russia with the most expensive land are named

By the end of the third quarter of 2021, the cost of one hundred square meters of land in Crimea reached 180 thousand rubles. By the end of the third quarter of 2021 among regions of Russia the most expensive land plots for individual housing construction (IZHS) were found in Crimea – the average cost reached 180 thousand rubles per hundred square meters. These are the conclusions reached by experts from Avito Real Estate, RBC reports. The average price of a land plot in Crimea has increased by 20 percent over the year. The region with the most expensive land was also named the Rostov region with an indicator of 143.9 thousand rubles per hundred square meters – an increase also reached 20 percent. The Krasnodar Territory was among the leaders in terms of the cost of land plots, where 118.5 thousand rubles will have to be paid for a

Europe's main economy sees record price increases

Inflation in Germany is at its highest since 1992, reaching 5.2 percent , Deutsche Welle reports, citing official data. The inflation rate amounted to 5.2 percent in November in annual terms, which was the highest level since 1992. At the same time, on a monthly basis, the rise in prices decreased by 0.2 percent. In October, inflation in annual terms was 4.5 percent. Energy (22.1 percent per year), food (4.5 percent) and services (2.8 percent) are indicated as the main drivers of price growth. ). Manufacturing inflation is higher than consumer inflation. In October, it was 18.4 percent against 14.2 percent in September, a record increase since 1951. On a monthly basis (October to September), consumer inflation was 3.8 percent. There is no official data for November on consumer inflation yet. As the main reasons, analysts also name the rise in energy prices for industrial consumers (by 12.1 percent), metals