Poroshenko was not invited to the inauguration of the trump

The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was not invited to the inauguration of U.S. President Donald trump. It is reported by Ukrainian edition of “Vesti“.   The inauguration ceremony scheduled for January 20, 2017. However, trump will meet with Poroshenko after her in February.   Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Valeriy Chaly explained that Poroshenko will miss the inauguration, “since the U.S. is not accepted the participation of heads of States in these activities.” According to him, such ceremonies of the country are the ambassadors, not the President.   At the same time, users of social networks reacted to the news with humor and suggested that Poroshenko “will be the Trump greeting SMS with a happy smiley.” Photo: Vladyslav Musiienko/ZUMAPRESS/Globallookpress

FSO practice to prevent attempts of penetration into the Kremlin

FSO practice to prevent attempts of penetration into the Kremlin The Federal security service (FSS) on 17 November will hold large-scale exercises on suppression of attempts of illegal entry into the Kremlin, including using drones, according to the Agency TASS on Wednesday, November 16, with reference to the center for relations with the press and public FSO. “The exercises will be practiced a large number of practical issues related to their activity”, — noted in Department. The interlocutor of Agency has specified that we are talking about the workout to prevent attempts of penetration on territory of the Kremlin and the Commission of unlawful acts, extremist activities. The office also during the exercise will be to deal with flights of unmanned aerial vehicles over the protected subject matter and to ensure fire safety. Read alsoIn the state Duma proposed to make the Kremlin more accessible to people The FSO added

Inputs 33 metro station in 2017 will cover the eaves with lighting effects

Inputs 33 metro station in 2017 will cover the eaves with lighting effects At five stations where the stairs to the entrance of the subway was open, the sheds have already appeared. Modern awnings over the entrances may appear on 33 stations in the next year. New design of glass and metal will protect from rain and snow stairs, renovated under the program of improvement. Now these sheds are already installed at five stations: “Warsaw”, “Chkalovskaya”, “Peasant Outpost”, “nutty” and “Chertanovskaya”. See alsoFines for selfie in the Moscow metro can enter by the summer of 2017 As explained in the press service of the Moscow metro, 33 stations plan to install a total of about 140 shelters (see list). One of the main types of these structures, primarily installed in areas of residential development, called “city Lights”. In the evening canopy of glass and metal will Shine like the Windows

Obama considers Russia a superpower

Obama considers Russia a superpower WASHINGTON, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. Incumbent President Barack Obama called Russia a military superpower. He noted that “all interested in the success of Russia, in the growth of its economy, its good relations with neighbouring countries”. Obama also expressed hope that the new head of state Donald trump “will continue the approach of cooperation with Russia,” but will stand up to Moscow where her views diverge with Washington. Additionally, the US President said that Washington has “clear evidence” of Russian involvement in the cyber attacks against American interests. However, he did not specify what exactly. Merkel, in turn, noted that Germany is interested in good neighborly relations with Russia. “But that cannot deter us from discussing the deepest differences,” added the Chancellor. This week, Obama began his last major tour as President of the United States. He visited Greece, arrived in Germany,

Zakharov: biased Warsaw interferes with the normal cooperation

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. Russia is ready to work to restore respect and cooperation with Poland, but every time good intentions always breaking on prejudice of Warsaw to Russia. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in social network Facebook.

Swiss fighter jets escorted the aircraft with the Russian delegation

Archive photo Continued: there was a video of the flight Swiss fighter jets near Russian side Two fighters with the Swiss flag a few minutes accompanied the aircraft with the Russian delegation on Board, flying to Peru for the APEC summit. On Friday, November 18, the correspondent “reports Tapes.ru”, which was located in the interior of the liner. Presumably, the Swiss aircraft approached at an unsafe distance to the Board, where, in particular, journalists of the Kremlin pool, and the staff of the Protocol office of the President. Fighter jets escorted the plane for about 10 minutes, when he was flying over Switzerland. First military aircraft flew under the left wing of the liner, then the right. Before they sharply swerved to the side, the pilot of one of the fighters waved a hand. The flight crew called this case is not unique, said the correspondent of the publication. In

The number of Turkish asylum seekers in Germany has doubled

Over 4.4 thousand Turkish citizens sought asylum in Germany this year. Such data are cited by the German Federal office for migration and refugees. About it reports on Friday, November 18, The Local. This figure is two times more than last year: while the number of asylum seekers from Turkey were 1767 people. At the same time, according to a member party, the Christian social Union (CSU), Stefan Mayer, it is possible that the number of Turks who will turn to Germany in search of asylum, will only continue to grow. “We will not solve the problems of Turkey, inviting all the citizens who criticize the regime, and allowing them to apply for asylum (…) We should not provide such a favor to President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, because that’s exactly what he wants — to get rid of opposition,” said Meyer. The politician criticized the recent statement of head the

French MP: Russia should be a full part of the new Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia should be part of the future of Europe and to play an important role, said the Deputy of the French National Assembly from the party “national front” Marion maréchal-Le Pen. “Our task is not to destroy the European idea, and to build a different Europe, which will be based on the respect of peoples, sovereignty, identity. And in this European project, Russia should take its rightful place because she’s our ally in terms of civilization, we have common interests that must be protected together. Bad relations with Russia — not in the interests of France,” said the Marechal-Le Pen Sputnik France. She expressed hope that France will be able to achieve the political turn after the vote for Brexit, the victory of Donald trump in US elections and the change of course in the result of the electoral campaigns in several European countries. “Cases of Brexit

“Tornadoes”, “Hurricanes” and “Iskander”: armed “gods of war”

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_2445482.stepNow *12 +1}} – 12 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_2445482.sliderLength-1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_2445482.stepNow *12 +1}} – 15 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_2445482.sliderLength-1}} Installation of reactive volley fire MLRS BM-21 “Grad” © Yuri Smityuk/TASS An upgraded jet system of volley fire “Tornado-G” caliber 122 mm © Yuri Smityuk/TASS The jet system of volley fire “Hurricane” caliber 220 mm © Donat Sorokin/TASS Divisional self-propelled howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya 152 mm caliber © Anton butsenko/TASS Self-propelled anti-tank missile complexes “Chrysanthemum-s” © Valery sharifulin/TASS The regimental self-propelled howitzer 2S1 “Gvozdika” 122mm © Yuri Smityuk/TASS Self-propelled howitzer brigade level 2С35 “Coalition-SV” caliber 152 mm © Marina Lystseva/TASS Divisional 2S19M2 self-propelled howitzer “Msta-s” caliber 152 mm © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS Self-propelled mortar 2S4 “Tyulpan” 240 mm caliber © Yuri Smityuk/TASS We carry 2С12 mortar “Sani” 120mm © Mikhail Metzel/TASS Multiple launch rocket systems “Smerch” caliber 300 mm © EPA/SANTI DONAIRE Tactical missile complex “Tochka-U” © Dmitry Rogulin/TASS Towed howitzer “Msta-B” 152 mm caliber © Victor Tolochko/TASS

Posted a video of the flight of fighter of Switzerland near the Russian side

In the Network published a video which depicted a flight of fighters of Switzerland near the plane with the Russian delegation, EN route to the APEC summit in Peru. Footage on his page in Facebook posted the correspondent of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Dmitry Smirnov.   The record shows, as the two fighters with the flag of Switzerland for several minutes to follow along with a Russian plane.   “Pathetically fly to Lima: passed over Switzerland with an escort of two F-18 with ammunition. The pilot was glad that he was shot, waved his hand and went up beautifully. But then I came back,” wrote Simon.   “This, incidentally, is considered to be a dangerous rapprochement?” – asked the journalist.   Previously RIA Novosti reported that in the airspace of Switzerland to the plane with the Russian delegation on Board, following in Peru for the APEC summit, and closer military aircraft of