“Naftogaz” threatens “to Gazprom” to increase transit fees

Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” has threatened “to Gazprom” to increase the annual fee for the transit of gas through Ukraine to $4 billion This will be the case, if the Stockholm arbitration court decides in favor of the Ukrainian side. This statement in Facebook acted as the commercial Director of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Yuriy Vitrenko.     According to Vitrenko, “Gazprom”, if the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, will have to pay Naftogaz “tens of billion of dollars compensation, to sell gas at a much lower price, each year to pay $4 billion more for transit and not to obstruct our integration in the European market,” wrote Vitrenko.   He added that “Naftogaz” requires “Gazprom” translation company with the transit contract on a dedicated transmission system operator. Besides, the Russian side shall provide the Ukrainian data to the design of acceptance-transmission of gas. It is necessary to address the control

The benefit was that the agenda is

The benefit was that the agenda is As it became known “Kommersant”, the TFR is investigating a criminal case against the owner deprived of a license of non-state pension Fund (NPF) “Blagovest” Sergei Shahman. He is accused of stealing more than 1.3 billion rubles of pension savings. According to investigators, shortly before the elimination of the money was withdrawn by Mr. Sajmonom to the accounts of firms-a something ephemeral and appropriated. A criminal case under part 4 St. 159 criminal code (fraud in especially large size) was brought GSU SKR across Moscow about a year after NPF “Blagovest” was revoked license. As stated in the decision of the Central Bank, it happened because of violations of Fund legislation in part of investing pension accruals, and also due to the fact that the NPF did not comply with regulator’s prescriptions and did not provide information about yourself.See alsoCentral Bank revoked the

Bears in the national Park “Taganay” became vegetarian

Bears in the national Park “Taganay” became vegetarian In recent years, predators is almost entirely on vegetable food. Bears in the national Park Taganay in the Chelyabinsk region almost entirely from animal food to plant. To such conclusion employees of the scientific Department of the national Park, who analyzed the behavior of the inhabitants of the Park for the last 23 years. Read tacheometry day in the canadian province of Manitoba: the polar bear petting a dog According to scientists, to blame people. Bears eat food and waste that leave many tourists, and practically ceased to hunt. Now the basis of the diet tagonistic bears in addition to debris consists of grass, berries and red forest ants, which are difficult to attribute to meat, according to news Agency “Ural-press-inform”. Experts say that replacing the usual food and disruption of the normal rhythm of life due to human interference can lead

Poroshenko was left without invitations to the inauguration of the trump

Poroshenko was left without invitations to the inauguration of the trump Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko was left without invitations to the inauguration of U.S. President Donald trump that is scheduled for January 20, 2017. As writes the edition of “Vesti”, the heads of state will meet after the entry of Republican office — in February 2017. Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Valeriy Chaly, in turn, said that Poroshenko will miss the inauguration, “since the U.S. is not accepted the participation of heads of States in these activities.” According to him, the ceremony generally there are mainly ambassadors. Videotrump held the first meeting with a foreign leader “It is the specificity of the United States, and it is somewhat different from our nature, when invited, including heads of States” — quoted by UNIAN diplomat. Chaly also said the organization of the visit Poroshenko in Washington in the future February

Putin and Abe discussed preparations for the upcoming visit of the President of the Russian Federation to Japan

© EPA/MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/SPUTNIK/KREMLIN POOL LIMA, 20 Nov. /TASS/. Moscow and Tokyo are carefully prepared for the forthcoming in December, the Russian President’s visit to Japan. This was largely devoted to a meeting on Saturday on the sidelines of the APEC summit meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

In the Moscow metro man stabbed with a scalpel in the head

The Moscow metro station “Ryazan prospectus” fought two men. During the scuffle one of them pulled out a knife and struck the other in the head, according to kp.ru Saturday, November 19. Then the assailant tried to flee the scene, but was detained by the police. “The incident occurred on November 14. Between the two men had a conflict, in which one of the parties inflicted injuries to his opponent,” — said in the Metropolitan Chapter of the Ministry of internal Affairs. The victim was taken to a medical facility, after helping him go. According to the source kp.ru a conflict arose between the 28-year-old resident of the Moscow region and native of Tajikistan, who was wounded with a scalpel. RIAMA as reported in law enforcement, we are talking about the scratch. The Agency interlocutor also noted that the criminal case is not yet filed.

The Prosecutor’s office made the involvement of the President of South Korea to corruption

Park Geun-Hye South Korean prosecutors have formally charged a Choi sung-SIL, a friend of President Park Geun-Hye, and the two former aides, Reuters reports. As explained in office of public Prosecutor, it is expected that the President would be an accomplice to illegal acts, but to indict her is not according to the Constitution, as it is covered by the immunity. However, the investigation against the head of the state will continue. The defendants are accused of excess of office powers and in forcing companies to transfer money to the Fund. Choi sung-SIL is accused of having exerted pressure on dozens of major companies, so they transferred the money to two non-profit Foundation. In case of figures, the sum of 77.4 billion won ($65.6 million). The former second assistant to the President Jeong Ho song is accused of having allowed the transfer of classified information. In Seoul scandal, threatens impeachment

Govorukhin called for the introduction of censorship

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture, film Director Stanislav Govorukhin said that he is a supporter of censorship. The TV channel “Russia 24”, he called moral limitations essential to freedom in society, “Interfax”. Govorukhin noted that in Russia there is no such restriction: “we Have the only Constitution in the world, where it is written that any censorship is forbidden”. The Director noted that the state does not interfere in the creative process, and this is very bad. He found it difficult to answer the question of who should define the moral boundaries in creativity. “If we knew who is going to decide, I would have tried to say that it is necessary to introduce some moral limits, because man is helpless before the pressure of the vulgarity and filth that is pouring from the screens of cinemas or the stage scaffolding” — said Govorukhin.

In Lithuania will start large-scale NATO exercises

Four thousand troops from 11 countries – members of NATO will be involved in large-scale maneuvers, called Iron Sword, which start today in Lithuania. It is reported TASS with reference to the defense Ministry of the Baltic Republic.   It is noted that the maneuvers will take place on two sites – janevska area on the ground in Gailiunai and Swingerscom area on the ground Pabrade.   According to the commander of Land forces of Armed forces of Lithuania Valdemaras Rupsys, modern armed forces simply need to be prepared for new challenges. Brigadier General noted that one of the main objectives of the exercise is an effective reflection of such threats.   In particular, will be worked out with the cooperation of NATO allies in conducting defensive and offensive operations. The participants of the maneuvers peredoziruet units in the staging area, will conduct combat actions in terms of settlements.