Mastiff crippled baby near Chelyabinsk

Dog breed Mastiff In Korkino dog breed Mastiff bites four-month-old boy. On Sunday, November 20, RIA Novosti reported the Russian interior Ministry in the Chelyabinsk region. The incident occurred the day before. The animal attacked the child the moment when the parents went out briefly from the room. Infants hospitalized in city hospital with head injuries but later transferred to children’s hospital. It is noted that the child’s parents have been breeding mastiffs. In the house together with family home to two dogs of this breed. In fact the incident is a procedural check. 18 November in the Chelyabinsk region initiated a criminal case after seven-year-old boy died from dog bites. The incident occurred in the village Tyuluk (Katav-Ivanovo district). According to the Investigative Committee, the animals attacked the child while walking.

The number of victims of the train crash in India has exceeded 100 people

The death toll in the train crash in India has exceeded 100 people. About 200 were injured, according to NDTV. Earlier it was reported about 91 the victim of the disaster. In the night of Sunday, November 20, 14 cars of a passenger train, EN route Indore — Patna, derailed in Uttar Pradesh in the North of the country. The train was over 500 people. According to preliminary data, citizens of Russia in the result of incident has not suffered. An investigation has begun, as one version of the incident is considered damage to the rails. Such accidents in India is not uncommon. For example, in March of last year in the state of Uttar Pradesh in a train crash killed 39 people, injured 150. Indian railway ranks fourth in the world for the length. Every day this kind of transport used by over 20 million people.

That’s what “Caliber” the living do: Obama was afraid of the Russian fleet

In the latest edition of “Hurt”, a leading TV channel “Zvezda”, the Explorer Nikolai Petrov talks about why the US President dramatically changed his statements about Russia and what might come after the West recognized Russia as a “military superpower”.   How long have Husseynovich Barack Obama tried to convince the whole world that we’re in tatters along with our economy, that we are the evil Empire, worse than ISIS (banned in Russia – approx. ed.). According to Obama, Russia is a regional power, the aggressor, who will pay for everything, rusty gas station. Most of the publications in the Western press in recent years were such. But suddenly, Obama said the following:   “My point from the moment I became President, has always been the same: Russia is an important country, it is a military superpower. She has influence in the region and around the world. And we have

Protection Ulyukayev appealed against his house arrest

Protection Ulyukayev appealed against his house arrest Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU the Defense appealed the house arrest of the former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, who is accused of receiving bribes for a positive evaluation earlier he headed Department of the purchase by Rosneft of 50% shares of “Bashneft”. According to him, the defense asked the appellate court — the Moscow city court to cancel the decision on house arrest of the former Minister and elect him a more lenient preventive measure. See alsoEx-Minister Ulyukayev wearing an electronic tracking bracelet In the night of Tuesday November 15, TFR reported on the criminal case against Alexei Ulyukayev. He was charged with extortion and receiving a bribe of $2 million According to investigators, the money, a senior official has received for the Ministry of economic development issued a positive evaluation, which allowed Rosneft to acquire state-owned shares of the

The artist has arranged the bird feeders cozy with a fireplace and a chair

The artist has arranged the bird feeders cozy with a fireplace and a chair American artist jada Fitch lure the birds, which flock to the trees near her home in Portland, Maine. Birds that used to eat out of the artist, are unusual in interiors. Fitch calls himself a “birder” and not only bird watching but also draws them. Her illustrations are very popular on the Internet. Recently the artist came up with something new, reports Twisted Sifter. As the birds flock to it for lunch, it is decorated with cardboard boxes cozy domestic interiors and sets them outside the window. Winged guests be like that in the house go “through the door” into a room where the walls are “family portraits”, the fireplace awaits fire and the cozy chair in the corner, tired of the owner. Very artistic, for the convenience of the ordinary bird feeders hung throughout the

The Prosecutor said the victory of the prosecution in the case of trump University

The Prosecutor said the victory of the prosecution in the case of trump University WASHINGTON, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The attorney General of the state of new York Eric Schneiderman declared victory by the prosecution in the fraud case at the University of trump, due to the fact that the University agreed to pay a large penalty. Schneiderman confirmed in a press release that the University, trump will pay $ 25 million compensation. The Prosecutor did not mention the institution at the end of the extrajudicial transaction refused to plead guilty. Out-of-court settlement from trump will help him save time and effort and to avoid negative coverage in the press during the inauguration of the President of the United States. Videosessions, Flynn and Pompeo accepted the offer trump “In 2013, my office sued Donald trump for defrauding thousands of innocent Americans in the amount of millions of

The plane with the journalists of the “Kremlin pool” has arrived in Lima

© TASS/Marina Lystseva, archive LIMA, 20 Nov. /TASS/. Part of the Russian delegation and journalists of the “Kremlin pool” accompanying the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the APEC summit in Peru, with a delay of more than half a day arrived in Lima. Flight Moscow – Lima, which was supposed to take about 18 hours, in the end lasted almost 40 and has given much food for the world’s news reports.

Kudrin pointed out questionable details in the arrest of the speaker

Alexei Kudrin Former Finance Minister and head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin in interview to TV channel “Russia 1” said that early to say that the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev took a bribe. Interview Saturday, November 19, leads Вести.Ru. According to Kudrin, he can’t imagine that the speaker “could behave this way” with the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin. “My doubts that all of it could be associated with a difficult configuration [speaker] talking on the territory of “Rosneft”. In fact, it’s not customary for the Minister — I even can’t imagine, especially with such an authoritative and powerful man like Sechin, could behave this way. So I have questions still remain”, he concluded. Who took the interview, Kudrin Sergey Brilev drew attention to the claims of Ramzan Kadyrov, who said that the speaker also interfere with the transfer “of Chechenneftekhimprom” the property of

The death toll in the crash of a passenger train in India increased to 90

Frame the scene The death toll in a train crash in Northern India rose to 91. On Sunday, November 20, reports NDTV. According to the TV company, more than 100 people were injured. Earlier it was reported 63 dead. 14 the train route from Patna to Indore, derailed on the night of November 20. At the scene working rescue teams and paramedics. As the portal of Dawn with reference to the representative of local police Daljit Choydari Singh (Daljit Singh Chawdhary), many passengers still blocked in the damaged cars. According to preliminary information, citizens of Russia in the result of incident has not suffered. About it RIA Novosti said head of the consular Department of the Embassy Mikhail Vorobiev. Accident on railway transport is a frequent phenomenon in India. Most accidents occur due to human error or outdated equipment. So, in March of last year in the state of Uttar