Trump will correct the failure of Obama’s “reset” of relations with Russia – media

Elected President of the United States Donald Trump should start with attempts to improve relations with Russia to demonstrate to the world that he knows what he’s doing, believes Time.   The most serious failure of the previous President Barack Obama was a “reset” of relations with Russia. Trump will have to correct this oversight, the newspaper writes, as the conflict between Washington and Moscow no good the United States will bring.   “Obama and his Secretary of state Hillary Clinton failed to understand that the United States is disadvantageous to fight with Russia in the questions for Russians are much more important than for Americans, and that the conflict with Moscow anything of value States will not bring”, – says the article.   The publication writes that the new American leader is sure that Washington needs “to do more for themselves, not for the world.” The author argues that

The court of Moscow has sent to the Director of “Ntpharma” under house arrest

The court of Moscow has sent to the Director of “Ntpharma” under house arrest Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Basmanny court of Moscow sent under house arrest until mid-January General Director of OOO “Ntpharma” Jane Sultanova, a suspect in the embezzlement of funds of “RUSNANO”. Protection of the defendant will not appeal the decision. As reported by his lawyer Michael Sazanov, the sultans partially admitted guilt. “He was not involved in the distribution of criminal income. The organizers are not installed,” — said the lawyer, explaining that his client pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting. Before investigators arrested Sultanova together with the mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Denis Koshurnikov and the founder of “Ntpharma” Rustam Ataullahanov. See alsoInvestigators detained the mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky Ataullakhanov and sultans are suspected of embezzlement of entrusted property in especially large size, Koshurnikov — in excess of powers of office the head of local government with serious

Life after death: what happens to the body during cryopreservation

Life after death: what happens to the body during cryopreservation 14-year-old British woman shortly before his death from cancer bequeathed to freeze his body in hopes that someday in the future scientists will bring her back to life. But what cryonics is and whether scientists successfully revive the dead? This week it became known that the 14-year-old British woman shortly before his death from cancer bequeathed to freeze his body in hopes that someday in the future scientists will bring her back to life. Companies involved in cryogenic preservation of the bodies, still exist only in Russia and the United States, however, people for whom a cryogenic freeze part of their life plan, it becomes more worldwide, and particularly in Britain. The technology of freezing of the human body or its parts is called cryonics, and to some extent already used in modern medicine for freezing and storage at ultralow

Bernie Sanders ready to be a trump ally in the fight against the corporations

Bernie Sanders ready to be a trump ally in the fight against the corporations NEW YORK, November 19. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. Former rival Hillary Clinton in the presidential race among Democrats — Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders has expressed readiness to become an ally elected President of the USA of Donald trump, if he decides to weaken the position of large corporations in the country. This was announced on Friday, the broadcaster CNN. “If trump has the guts to fight the corporations, he will have an ally in my face” — quoted by CNN, an excerpt from the speech of the legislator to the social policy conference, organized by the American newspaper Christian Science Monitor. The Senator also indicated that approves and other items in the socio-economic agenda of the elected President of the United States. These include initiatives to reduce the cost of drugs, raising the minimum wage

In Moscow declared a storm warning

In the near future in Moscow is expected to sleet and wind with gusts up to 17 meters per second, reported “Interfax” in the EMERCOM in the capital. “Over the next one to three hours in the preserve during the day on November 21 in Moscow is expected in places strengthening of the South wind,” — noted in the Chapter. They added that during bad weather possible “damage to power lines, partial felling of trees, damage to poorly fortified and large format advertising structures”. In the main Department of the Ministry of emergency situations warned that in this regard on congestion. It is also noted that it is possible to increase the number of cases of injury of the population. Muscovites have been advised to be careful, around billboards and shaky structure. Drivers are advised to put the car into the garage or Park it away from trees.

Adviser to trump confirmed the consideration of candidates Romney for the post of Secretary of state

Donald trump and MITT Romney Elected President of the United States, Donald trump intends to consider the candidacy of the former Governor of Massachusetts MITT Romney for the post of Secretary of state. According to Reuters, this information was confirmed by a senior adviser to trump, Chairman of the National Committee of the Republican party the Raines Pribus. However, as he explained, at the same time consider other candidates for the post of foreign Minister of the country. Earlier, the media learned about the plans to appoint Romney Secretary of state, but officially the information is not voiced. Speaking on TV channel, ABC, Priebus explained that Romney and trump had a “very meaningful” conversation during the meeting on Saturday, November 19. During the dialogue the sides discussed the issues of foreign policy and other issues. Elected Vice-President Mike Pence on air Fox News confirmed that the candidacy of Romney is

Housing Fund faces liquidation

Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexandr Kryazhev The Russian government is discussing the possibility of eliminating one of the state corporations Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services. This “Izvestia” said a member of the Supervisory Council, President of the Union of cities Arctic and the far North Igor Shpektor. He wrote the request to maintain the Fund’s President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. — The issue of the closure of the Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services was discussed in the Ministry and is now pending with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, told Shpektor. — From my point of view, posed this question completely wrong. Under the current system, the Fund receives money from the Federal budget and directs them to support the regional programs of resettlement and demolition of dilapidated housing and capital repairs, modernization of municipal infrastructure. Together

Gunmen opened fire on the University in Aleppo from “the city”

The militants of banned terrorist group “dzhebhat an-Nusra” fired on a University in Aleppo, Syria, from jet systems of volley fire “Grad”. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Syrian press.   It is reported that the attack was conducted by terrorists holding the Eastern part of the city. As a result there are wounded and dead.   Three shells militants formed on campus, one was in the building. The number of victims of rocket fire is unknown at this time. Photo: Hummam Xinhua/Globallookpress

The attack on a student was expelled from Moscow state University

The attack on a student was expelled from Moscow state University MOSCOW, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Alexander Ivanov (Varvara Karaulov), accused of trying to join terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), is no longer a student at MSU. Lomonosov, the girl was dismissed at his own request, reported the press service of the institution. Varvara Karaulov, later changed his name and became Alexandra Ivanova, was arrested in October 2015 for attempting to join ISIS. According to the FSB, in the summer of that year, the girl secretly from his parents flew to Istanbul, where he was detained with a group of Russians, allegedly attempting to enter Syria. Special services brought an action against Karaulova criminal case only a few months after her return home, when it became clear that she continues to maintain contact with terrorists. During interrogation the girl admitted that converted to Islam under