Sailors from the “Admiral Kulakov” gave the Ukrainian ship rescue services Greece

Russian sailors from the large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Kulakov” gave the Ukrainian fishing vessel rescue services in Greece. This was reported in the Ministry of defense of Russia.   Thus, “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” completed the rescue operation to tow a distressed Ukrainian fishing boat. As the members of the crew of the distressed vessel is satisfactory.   For the work done to rescue the crew of a Russian military ship covered a distance of over 140 miles. In the path of the Ukrainian sailors was given all the necessary assistance.   After that, BOD “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” has continued to perform combat tasks in the Mediterranean sea.

A former officer of the black sea fleet was caught spying for Ukraine

A former officer of the black sea fleet was caught spying for Ukraine Former staff officer of the black sea fleet of Russia in Sevastopol detained for espionage in favor of Ukraine. On Thursday, November 24, according to the FSB, RIA Novosti reported. The arrest was made on 22 November, however, it has become known only now. According to the Agency, Parkhomenko faces up to 20 years in prison. November 21, Simferopol court has arrested two officers of the Armed forces of Ukraine Alexey Stogniy and Gleb Sable. They are suspected of preparing acts of sabotage on objects of infrastructure of the Crimea. In court I believe that they are connected with detainees on 10 November in Sevastopol three members of subversive groups. The defense Ministry of Ukraine stated that stogny and Shabliy are not active military.

Cutting the camera with water showed on the video

Cutting the camera with water showed on the video YouTube channel Waterjet Channel showed a video in which the experimenters-fans were subjected to SLR waterjet cutting. Pressure water jet, carefully dividing the chamber into two halves, reached approximately 4 thousand atmospheres (60 thousand pounds per square inch). The authors of the movie showed the inner workings of the camera, including the lens and the pentaprism — reflective prism having in cross section the shape of a Pentagon. It is designed to turn the light flux to the viewfinder so that the user can see live image. Channel dedicated to the Waterjet abrasive cutting of various items, including a bowling ball, a pumpkin, a car battery, the spider and the iPhone 7. In the water which is emitted with high speed and under high pressure, is a hard abrasive material.

In Japan believe that the missiles on the Kuril Islands will not affect the negotiations with Russia

In Japan believe that the missiles on the Kuril Islands will not affect the negotiations with Russia TOKYO, 24 Nov — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. Placing Russian missiles on the Kuril Islands will not affect the negotiations between Russia and Japan, at a press conference on Thursday said the Secretary-General of the Japanese government, Acehide Suga. “I believe that there is no”, — said the Secretary General, answering a question of journalists, will impact the placement of Russian missiles on the island of Kunashir and Iturup on the negotiation process. Suga also noted that Tokyo plans to hold talks to “reach a solution that would suit both sides.” See alsoIn the Kremlin commented on the deployment of missile systems on Kuril Islands On Tuesday, the official newspaper of Pacific fleet “Fighting watch” reported that on the Kuril Islands located coastal missile systems (DBK) “Ball” on the island of Kunashir and

The Kremlin has commented on the situation with government officials-academics

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. Department dealt with the situation with officials, izbrauksana this year, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), contrary to the recommendation of the head of state. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, answering the question, is whether the dismissal of civil servants, subjected to criticism on the eve of Vladimir Putin for obtaining titles of academicians and corresponding members of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Signatures for candidates proposed to collect through the state services portal

The movement to protect the rights of voters “the Voice” suggested to use the portal of public and municipal services for the collection of signatures for candidates in the electoral campaigns. On Friday, November 25, reports TASS. “We propose to consider, to ponder, to use the portal to collect signatures in addition to the traditionally existing practice of collection of signatures in signature sheets,” said co-chair of “Voice” Gregory Melkonyants at the conference “Electoral system of Russia: formation experience and development prospects”. According to Melkonyants, this technology eliminates the “nagging issue subscription lists and operator error in data entry” and “removes the doubt which signature is reliable.” The CEC said that the Commission is considering the possibility of using the portal, however, noted that the resource covers many of the citizens. The elections to the state Duma, which took place on 18 September, through the process of signatures was not

Iran has faced two passenger trains

A train wreck, archive Two passenger trains collided in the Central Iranian province of Semnan. It is reported by news Agency IRNA. The accident killed at least five people, injured dozens. However, according to one of representatives of local authorities, the exact number of victims is still unknown, these data will be updated. At the crash site lifeguard. Victims are delivered in nearby hospitals. Representatives of the emergency services have so far refrained from commenting on the causes of the disaster. In fact the incident is under investigation. The collision occurred near the town of Shahroud, located 400 kilometers East of Tehran, at 7:00 local time (6:30 GMT).

“Vice-Admiral Kulakov” of the Ukrainian tows the ship: video

TV channel “Zvezda” publishes footage of towing a large anti-submarine ship of the Northern fleet “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” drifting in the Mediterranean sea, the Ukrainian fishing boat.   “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” transported him to the anchorage in the area of the Greek island of Gavdos (30 miles South of Crete).   The defense Ministry also reported that the ship with crew on Board in the near future will be transferred to the Greek rescue services. The condition of crew members is satisfactory.   For towing “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” has covered a distance of over 140 miles. After this the ship continued to perform combat tasks.   Ukrainian ship lost in the course of November 21 and two days were in the drift. The distress call said the Russian ship of the Northern fleet “Vice-Admiral Kulakov”.   The ship “Admiral Kulakov” is part of the carrier battle group in the Mediterranean sea. This large

Media: the MI6 building in London is cordoned off because of suspicious package

Media: the MI6 building in London is cordoned off because of suspicious package Also blocked nearby streets, said a police spokesman. MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. The building of the British foreign intelligence service MI6 cordoned off because of suspicious package. This was reported Wednesday on its website, the newspaper The Independent. According to her, a suspicious object was discovered near the building. “The surrounding streets are closed, at this stage there’s nothing more we discuss it”, — leads edition of the words of the police spokesman. My building, MI6 and Vauxhall bridge suddenly shut down by the police. Should I be worried? — Zoe Samantha Bird (@SamanthaZoeBird) 23 Nov 2016 Vauxhall Bridge and surrounding roads closed around MI6. — John Russell (@johnandtonic) 23 Nov 2016

The state Duma will postpone the draft law on deprivation of drivers of the rights for three violations

The state Duma will postpone the draft law on deprivation of drivers of the rights for three violations The state Duma will postpone consideration of the resonant draft law on deprivation of drivers of the rights for three traffic violations. If the amendments to the Cao are approved, the rights may lose “half the country”, according to deputies. The draft law on deprivation of rights for a period from one to five years, drivers who violate traffic rules (SDA) three or more times a year, most likely, will not be accepted by the state Duma before the end of the year, told RBC two people in the Committee of the lower house on legislation. Newsmedia: traffic cops will no longer take the accident without postradavshiye information obtained by reporters, the appropriate order is prepared by the head of the interior Ministry Vladimir Kolokoltsev With this initiative in the spring the