Doctor Myasnikov revealed his attitude to infidelity

Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov admitted that he could forgive treason Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov revealed his attitude to infidelity. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, he admitted that he would forgive his wife for infidelity. The release is available on YouTube. When asked by the host of the program “The Fate of a Man” Boris Korchevnikov about whether Myasnikov would forgive treason, the doctor answered in the affirmative. “I would forgive treason. I hope I haven't, but I've been thinking about this all the time. Since childhood, I tried the situation of my parents on myself, “the doctor said. The doctor said that his parents separated because of his father's betrayal, and he was very upset by the divorce of his parents in childhood. “When my mother divorced her father without forgiving her betrayal, she

Nabiullina called the time of victory over a significant increase in prices

Nabiullina: inflation can be reduced in two to three years Inflation can be reduced in two to three years, even from very high levels. Bank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiullina named such a period of victory over a significant rise in prices, speaking at the Russia Calling! Investment forum. The broadcast is hosted by RBC. fixed at low levels, the experience of other countries shows that this is at least 10 years, maybe more, “Nabiullina said. Developed countries have won such trust, she said. The head of the Central Bank admitted that the situation in Russia is still different. “We do not have such confidence, we do not have inflationary expectations anchored,” added Nabiullina. The Central Bank still expects to return inflation in the country to the target of four percent by the end of 2022. The Kremlin does not see any reason for excessive alarmism due to inflation in

Nabiullina called the time of victory over a significant increase in prices

Nabiullina: inflation can be reduced in two to three years Inflation can be reduced in two to three years, even from very high levels. Bank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiullina named such a period of victory over a significant rise in prices, speaking at the Russia Calling! Investment forum. The broadcast is hosted by RBC. fixed at low levels, the experience of other countries shows that this is at least 10 years, maybe more, “Nabiullina said. Developed countries have won such trust, she said. The head of the Central Bank admitted that the situation in Russia is still different. “We do not have such confidence, we do not have inflationary expectations anchored,” added Nabiullina. The Central Bank still expects to return inflation in the country to the target of four percent by the end of 2022. The Kremlin does not see any reason for excessive alarmism due to inflation in

Biologist named vaccines effective against omicron-strain

Biologist Baranova: “Sputnik V” may be more effective against the omicron strain than RNA vaccines Vaccines containing adenovirus basis, may be more effective against the omicron strain of coronavirus than RNA drugs. This was stated by Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia), Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova, her words are quoted by “Moscow 24”. The key difference between vaccines is that adenoviral drugs use the T-cell link, the biologist emphasized. “Adenovirus vaccines are slightly weaker than mRNA vaccines in terms of the overall level of antibodies. But their answer is broader, because they use the T-cell link more. Therefore, “Sputnik V” may be a little better against the omicron-strain, “the specialist explained. At the same time, Baranova noted, it is too early to give a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron-strain. Earlier, Ancha Baranova worried about the contactless

Biologist named vaccines effective against omicron-strain

Biologist Baranova: “Sputnik V” may be more effective against the omicron strain than RNA vaccines basis, may be more effective against the omicron strain of coronavirus than RNA drugs. This was stated by Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia), Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova, her words are quoted by “Moscow 24”. The key difference between vaccines is that adenoviral drugs use the T-cell link, the biologist emphasized. “Adenovirus vaccines are slightly weaker than mRNA vaccines in terms of the overall level of antibodies. But their answer is broader, because they use the T-cell link more. Therefore, “Sputnik V” may be a little better against the omicron-strain, “the specialist explained. At the same time, Baranova noted, it is too early to give a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron-strain. Earlier, Ancha Baranova worried about the contactless transmission of a

The Kremlin called the condition for the start of negotiations with Ukraine on gas transit

Peskov: negotiations with Ukraine on gas will begin only after the sale of fuel on gas transit, RIA Novosti reports. Russia will start negotiations with Kiev only after it can sell fuel, and the topic of transportation is secondary, the speaker said in a conversation with reporters. On November 30, the head of the Ukrainian company for the transportation of fuel Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, announced the unwillingness of the Russian side to negotiate the extension of the contract on gas pumping after 2024. The journalists asked the presidential press secretary when to wait for the start of the dialogue. “As for transit matters, of course, we need to address the question to Gazprom,” Peskov commented. However, he added that for gas transit, it is necessary to first find end buyers in Europe. “Until Gazprom decides on this line, then, accordingly, the discussion of the transit topic is in the second

Deprived of parliamentary immunity, Rashkin filed a lawsuit against the State Duma

Deputy Rashkin filed a lawsuit against the head of the Duma ethics commission after the deprivation of immunity on an elk, filed a lawsuit in the Tverskoy Court of Moscow against the Duma and the head of the Duma ethics commission Otari Arshbe. This was announced by the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Obukhov, writes “Interfax.” Obukhov noted that in a corresponding statement, the politician asked that his representatives, professional lawyers, be allowed to the meeting of the ethics commission. At the same time, he added that representatives of state prosecution. Earlier it became known that Rashkin was hospitalized after the decision of the State Duma to deprive him of his parliamentary immunity. The policy is not currently reported on the health status.

Zyuganov told the details of Rashkin's hospitalization

Leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zyuganov: Rashkin went through the second stage of the operation, which was forced to postpone hospitalization of State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin. He is quoted by Gazeta.Ru. “Let's figure it out. He had an operation, this is the second stage of the operation, in connection with this trial he had to postpone, “Zyuganov told the details. Rashkin's hospitalization became known earlier on November 30. It was clarified that the deputy underwent an operation due to an eye disease aggravated by nerves. On November 25, State Duma deputies voted to deprive Rashkin of immunity, suspected of illegal elk hunting. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Anatoly Vyborny explained that the decision of the lower house of parliament was dictated by the public's request for openness and fairness. In October 2021, police stopped the politician's car in the

Deprived of parliamentary immunity, Rashkin filed a lawsuit against the State Duma

Deputy Rashkin filed a lawsuit against the head of the Duma ethics commission after the deprivation of immunity on an elk, filed a lawsuit in the Tverskoy Court of Moscow against the Duma and the head of the Duma ethics commission Otari Arshbe. This was announced by the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Obukhov, writes “Interfax.” Obukhov noted that in a corresponding statement, the politician asked that his representatives, professional lawyers, be allowed to the meeting of the ethics commission. At the same time, he added that representatives of state prosecution. Earlier it became known that Rashkin was hospitalized after the decision of the State Duma to deprive him of his parliamentary immunity. The policy is not currently reported on the health status.