The Sunday Times: the UK government is developing a plan “gray” Brexit

The Sunday Times: the UK government is developing a plan “gray” Brexit LONDON, 4 Dec. /Offset. TASS Igor Brovarnik/. The UK government is developing plan the so-called grey Brexit, which will allow the country to avoid radical scenario out of the EU, the newspaper reported The Sunday Times. According to her, the Whitehall sources briefed that the Minister for Brexit David Davis and the Chancellor of the exchequer Philip Hammond has formed a small group to withdraw the UK from hard Brexit. The new plan is supposed to meet the expectations as supporters of a complete break with the EU, and those who opposed the suspension of European integration. See alsothe British offered to buy EU citizenship Earlier this week, Davis said that London would consider the issue of continuation of contributions to the EU budget after the cessation of membership to retain access to the European single market. Sources

Zheleznyak commented on the words of the Minister of the U.S. air force about the “Russian threat”

Sergei Zheleznyak © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, 5 Dec. /TASS/. The Deputy Secretary General Council of party “United Russia”, member of international Affairs Committee of the state Duma Sergei Zheleznyak believes that the statement of the Minister of the U.S. air force Deborah Lee James due to the desire of Washington to budget as much money for a reckless arms race and to profit.

The third phase of demolition of unauthorized construction will start in Moscow

In Moscow on the afternoon of Monday, 5 December, launched the third wave of demolition of illegal buildings, the TV channel “360”. The day will be eliminated four buildings whose owners refused to voluntarily dismantle them. Buildings located on the street Krasnoprudnaya, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, street of 26 Baku Commissars, another object located in the North-East. Just a third wave of demolition will eliminate 43 buildings. With 39 buildings, the owners agreed to eliminate yourself. They will receive compensation in the amount of from 51 to 55 thousand rubles per square meter. A second wave of demolition of unauthorized construction took place in August. The list includes 107 buildings, whose total area amounted to 30.5 thousand square meters. In Moscow the liquidation of business objects recognized by the squatter began in February. The decision on the elimination of 104 buildings constructed without a permit or in violation of town planning

The Philippines government was told about the imminent visit to Moscow Duterte

Rodrigo Duterte Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte may visit Moscow in the spring of 2017. This was stated by the foreign Minister of this country Perfecto of Yasai during a visit to the Russian capital, his words “Interfax”. “I came here to confirm the agreements that were reached in the framework of a bilateral meeting between our presidents in Lima, Peru. During the meeting, President Putin invited the President of Duterte to visit next year. I hope it happens in April, March or even may,” said Yasai. His Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, in turn, expressed the hope that it will be possible to discuss all the issues raised at the bilateral meeting of presidents in Lima, as well as cooperation in the international arena. 28 November Duterte complained to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Russian cold: “President Putin during our meeting said, “we are Waiting for You in Russia.” To

In Syria, the division deployed s-300

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia’s armed forces deployed in Syria, division of anti-aircraft missile system s-300. About it in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia” said the Deputy Minister of defense of Russia, army General Dmitry Bulgakov. Military town for personnel and equipment of the division was constructed in Tartus. Previously, Syria had deployed battery systems s-300V4. “To embed anti-aircraft missile battalion s-300 to 720-item logistics in Tartus was built full-fledged military town with all necessary infrastructure”, — said Bulgakov. In October 2016 in Syria had deployed a battery of anti-aircraft missile system s-300V4, which was placed near Tartus. In addition, to the North, near the Russian airbase near Latakia Hamim deployed units of anti-aircraft missile system s-400. S-300V4 is a system of air and missile defense in the theater of war and taken into service air defense units of the land forces, replacing the system s-300V earlier versions. The figure is

The Minister spoke about the condition of victims in traffic accidents in KHMAO

The condition of victims in accident in KHMAO remains heavy. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the head of Ministry of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova.   “Three hours, when we arrived, the situation remains stable,” – said the Minister of health.   According to her, in the intensive care unit are 11 children aged from 10 to 16 years.   “It’s a severe head injury with skull base fractures and depressed fractures of skull, brain hemorrhage and associated injuries: comminuted fractures of long tubular bones, fractures of the pelvis, these two girls have 16-year – ruptures of internal organs”, – said Skvortsova.   Children who are in a state of extreme severity, have been operated.   The accident occurred Sunday on the highway “Khanty-Mansiysk – Tyumen”. In the accident hit a bus carrying children returning from Khanty-Mansiysk to Nefteyugansk from the competition. The accident killed 12 people, 10

Briton arrested for they invented the word Twitter

Briton arrested for they invented the word Twitter Police arrested 25-year-old resident of London’s Bethnal green for a message on Twitter threatening the life of British parliamentarian. About it reports BBC News. The man turned the name of recently murdered women of the labour party Joe Cox in the verb and asked: “somebody “sagacite” Subri, please.” He was referring to the MP from the conservatives Anna Subri. Subri told that this is the second threat to her life, received in a week. “That’s what happened with our policy. Tolerance and freedom of speech must prevail,” she said in a tweet. Jo Cox Arrest after Twitter threat to MP Anna Soubry — Sky News (@SkyNews) December 3, 2016 41-year-old Joe Cox was murdered in June of 2016, shortly before the Brexit referendum. Her killer, Thomas Meir sentenced to life imprisonment. At the first meeting of the court 52-year-old man in

Christmas tree in Riga was in the Guinness Book of records

Christmas tree in Riga was in the Guinness Book of records The lights on the holiday tree was lit, the biggest in the world created by a Rube Goldberg machine. RIGA, December 3. /Offset. TASS Maria Ivanova/. Christmas tree installed at town hall square in the centre of the Latvian capital, listed in the Guinness Book of records. The lights on the holiday tree was lit, the biggest in the world created by a Rube Goldberg machine. On two floors of the city hall and the square were assembled the mechanism, named after the American cartoonist. It was his idea to create a device that performs a simple action is extremely complex way. #riga Photos published Zanneta Shmiglenko (@zsmiglenko) Dec 3 2016 4:48 PST This time the chain, which operates on the principle of dominoes, consisted of 412 steps, which ultimately led to the inclusion festive garlands to spruce installed

Putin told whether Russia will be able to find a common language with trump

Putin told whether Russia will be able to find a common language with trump MOSCOW, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the program “week” on NTV about what Moscow expects from elected President of the USA of Donald trump, the balance of power in the world and on the ex-Premier and former foreign Minister of Russia Evgeny Primakov. Trump quickly enough realizes a new level of responsibility that lies on him as head of state, Putin said. “Trump was a merchant and was a merchant. Today, it is a statesman, today it is the head of the United States of America, one of the leading countries of the world, one of the leading economies of the world leading military power. And since he was able to succeed in business, it suggests that he is an intelligent man. But if a smart man, so he quite