Putin advised everyone to engage in personal life

Vladimir Putin during a visit to the plant “Chelyabinsk tube rolling plant” The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has shared with Chelyabinsk the guidelines about how to do everything with your busy schedule. On Monday, December 5, reports the correspondent of”.ru”. “The more you do, the more time,” said the President, stressing that “everything is good in moderation”. The Russian leader noted that “my personal life should deal with a must.” Putin held a meeting with the workers of Chelyabinsk tube rolling plant (CHTPZ). The company’s management prepared for the President a gift book, released for the anniversary of its former Director Yakov Osadchiy, which was celebrated in October, said the head of state during his visit. “If not presented, it will give now” — appealed to him the Advisor to the General Director of CHTPZ Group on science and technology, son of ex-Director Vladimir Osadchy. “Squeezed, now will be

The state Department refused to confirm the shelling of the Russian hospital in Syria

The United States condemns attacks on any medical facility, but are not ready to independently confirm the fact of bombardment of the Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo, Syria. As reported on Monday, December 5, RIA Novosti, this was stated by the official representative of us state Department mark Toner. “We condemn any attack against hospitals or health facilities”, he said, adding that confirm the fact of the attack is not possible because of the difficult military situation on the ground. Toner stressed that Washington never provides the Syrian opposition coordinates for strikes. The representative of the group of forces of participants of the Western counter-terrorism operations in Iraq and Syria, told TASS that the coalition headed by the USA do not build speculation on who carried out the attack. “We can’t speculate about what forces destroyed a Russian hospital, as we do not monitor and do not carry out operation

The Red Cross has accused the all “parties to the conflict” in the shelling of the military hospital in Aleppo

The International Committee of the red cross (ICRC) said that in the attack on a military hospital in Aleppo, Syria, which killed two military medic’s fault of all parties to the conflict, reports RIA Novosti. However, the organization did not indicate what the parties have in mind and did not name specific culprits, limiting fuzzy wording.   “Attacks on hospitals in Aleppo suggests that the parties to the conflict is unable to fulfil its responsibility to protect health care workers,” said the ICRC.   Today, 05 December, militants fired at a Russian hospital in Aleppo. Killed two Russian soldiers-medics, two people injured. The hospital was shelled while taking to local residents.   After that, the defense Ministry demanded that the international community, as well as “the International movement of red cross and red Crescent”, “Doctors without borders” and other international organizations strongly condemned the deliberate murder of the Russian military

Drivers involved in the accident in KHMAO was sober

Drivers involved in the accident in KHMAO was sober Moscow. 4 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Drivers of bus and truck involved in the accident in KHMAO, which, according to the latest information, 11 people died and 21 were injured, according to preliminary data, was sober, informed the press-Secretary of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Khanty Olga Abalakina. “According to preliminary data, both drivers at the time of the accident was sober”, — she said to Interfax on Sunday. According to her, the drivers are hospitalized in medical facilities. In the Khanty in connection with the accident a criminal case. The accident occurred on 926 kilometer of the highway Khanty-Mansiysk — Tyumen.

The state Duma has proposed to simplify the debtors travel abroad

The state Duma has proposed to simplify the debtors travel abroad State Duma deputies intend to amend the government bill and to increase the amount at which debtors are forbidden to travel abroad. According to the newspaper “Vedomosti”, in October the Ministry of justice introduced in the lower house a bill on amendments to the law “On enforcement proceedings”. It proposes to expedite the lifting of the ban on travel to repay the debt. Deputies suggest to make changes to it and significantly increase the minimum amount at which it becomes impossible to travel outside Russia. The interlocutor of the newspaper in the “United Russia” said that the current upper limit of debt of 10 thousand roubles is too low. According to him, “may at times” because “a lot of people not moving out, and the citizens need to do unloading”. See alsothe state Duma has proposed to accelerate the

Tymoshenko told about the secret documents Poroshenko on Donbass

Tymoshenko told about the secret documents Poroshenko on Donbass The leader of the party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Tymoshenko stated that Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko signed the Minsk agreements secret documents. She reported about it on air of TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “Under the Minsk agreements, everything came to a remote corner on the grounds that the President has made the signing of secret documents, about which no one knows anything, they aren’t published. And one more agreement, in my opinion, was signed in Normandy format”, — said Tymoshenko. In her opinion, “the President realized that in the West are waiting for the fulfillment of these conditions, and in the Ukrainian society, they are not acceptable”. The leader of “Batkivshchyna” considers that the documents relate to the elections in the Donbass and the region’s special status. Earlier, Tymoshenko said that he considers unnecessary the post of President of Ukraine. “A positive attitude

The President wondered about the screening of Ministers on the breathalyzer

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with workers of one of the Chelyabinsk enterprises interested in the idea of using a breathalyzer in the workplace. About it the correspondent “Tapes.ru” on Monday, December 5. Employees of the plant told the President that before the change are tested on the content of alcohol in the body. “Check on the breathalyzer? Will try, perhaps, in administration and in government to introduce such a practice, will not be worse,” — said Putin. The President also complained to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, who do not quit Smoking. “The government was one smoker that I can’t convince you to quit. Is Dmitry Kozak. Smokes like a chimney. It’s a bad habit,” — said the head of state. In July, Putin during the visit to the Tver region urged to make the Russian cranberry is not only alcoholic drinks, but the yogurt.

The Prime Minister of France announced the resignation

Manuel Valls The Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls said that on Tuesday, 6 December, leaving his position for the fight for the presidency. Also would be retiring and his Cabinet. About it reports Reuters. Waltz explained that the focus on election campaign before the primaries of the ruling Socialist party, which will be held in two stages 22 and 29 January 2017. According to BFMTV, the decision on the nomination of the Waltz to the presidential elections was made after the current head of state Francois Hollande has refused to participate in the campaign. The French leader explained the decision unwillingness to split the left-wing forces and the need to nominate a single strong candidate. All the polls show that neither Hollande nor any other candidate from the Socialist party would not pass the second round of the presidential election. It is most likely that the presidency will rival