Bryansk officials paid for and hidden apartments

Fifteen employees of the city administration Bryansk region Klintsy punished for providing false information in income declarations. On Tuesday, December 6, reported on the website of the regional Prosecutor’s office. The two leaders dismissed in connection with loss of trust, the others took administrative responsibility, is told in the Department message. What kind of punishment is not specified. Civil servants covered up the number of personal Bank accounts, and also withheld information about the purchased and sold apartments and cars. In addition, officials did not include in the Declaration information on the compensation for lost housing in the Chernobyl zone. On 24 may, the KPRF deputies have prepared a bill requiring high-ranking civil servants and deputies of both chambers of the Federal Assembly to declare income and property of the former spouses within five years after the divorce. Officials and parliamentarians are obliged to declare information about their income, assets

On the court in the case of the murder Nemtsov called Ruslan Eremeev

Photo: Russian Newspaper In the Moscow district military court continued the trial of the alleged killers of Boris Nemtsov. The representatives of the family Nemtsov said in court that considered the case about his unsolved murder, as the investigation, in their opinion, carried out effectively. Chairman of the court Yuri Zhitnikov satisfied the petition of representatives of victims on the interrogation of Deputy commander of the battalion “North” Ruslan Eremeev in the case. The Prosecutor’s request was supported. According to the lawyer of the victims Olga Mikhailova, had failed to establish the real motive and purpose of murder of the politician. She stressed that Eremeev was held the service together, the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev. At the same time, the lawyers of the accused in the murder commenced presentation of evidence of innocence of their clients. Lawyer Anna Burciaga said that he felt a double responsibility, representing the interests of

RF IC called military armed forces of Ukraine involved in shelling the territory of Russia

The Investigative Committee of Russia in absentia brought accusations of shelling the territory of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2014 the head of the operational command “South” of the armed forces of Ukraine Andrii Grishchenko, as well as the commander of the 27th artillery regiment Valery Ismailov. About this soobshaet acting head of the Department of interaction with mass-media SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.   Petrenko including the fact that the Ukrainian military are accused of crimes under articles 105 and 317 of the criminal code (“Murder, attempted murder, infringement of life of law enforcement officers”).   In the summer of 2014 the Ukrainian security forces were fired on the territory of Russia. As a result of the fire opened by the Ukrainian side, shelling in the Rostov region were injured, many residents, one of them received injuries incompatible with life. Photo: RF IC

On the fire place in Auckland found the bodies of 24 people

On the fire place in Auckland found the bodies of 24 people MOSCOW, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. Rescuers at the scene of a fire at a nightclub in American Oakland found the bodies of 24 people, reports Reuters with reference to the firefighters. Earlier it was reported about 10 victims. A fire at a nightclub in Oakland happened on Saturday. The city authorities do not exclude that the victims of the fire could be up to 40 people. According to preliminary information, in the room at the time of the fire was from 50 to 100 people. What was the cause of the fire is still unknown. The fire became one of the largest number of casualties in the history of this Californian city.

The winners of the scientific awards Breakthrough prize in 2016

The winners of the scientific awards Breakthrough prize in 2016 Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — IN mountain view (CA, USA) in the research center Ames hosted a ceremony of awarding the laureates of the annual scientific awards Breakthrough Prize in fundamental physics, mathematics and medicine, the British newspaper The Guardian. As the award laureates will receive $3 million for further research. The total amount of awards this year amounted to about $25 million. See alsoNobel for samoedstva that gave the Nobel prize in 2016 in physiology and medicine Physics Awards in fundamental physics was awarded to the scientists who contributed to the development of string theory, quantum field theory and the theory of quantum gravity. They got Joseph Polchinski, Andrew Strominger and Kamran Vafa. This year was also awarded the special prize of the LIGO collaboration for the discovery of Einstein’s predicted gravitational waves. Biology Award for achievements in medicine

Exit polls: the Italians voted against the constitutional reform

Exit polls: the Italians voted against the constitutional reform ROME, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti, Natalia Shmakov. In the referendum on the constitutional reform in Italy wins the answer is “no”, which was voted from 54,0% to 58.0% of voters, according to the exit polls at 23.00 (01.00 GMT), prepared for the TV channel RaiNews24 two research institutes, IPR Marketing and Instituto Piepoli. The answer is “Yes” received the support of 42.0%-46,% voted. According to other exit polls, prepared for the TV company Mediaset and La7 TV channel, the supporters of the reform was 41-45% of the vote, and opponents of 55-59%. Polling stations in Italy, was opened on Sunday between 07.00 (09.00 GMT) until 23.00 (01.00 GMT). According to preliminary data from the Italian interior Ministry, the turnout was 67,33% of the voters. Held a vote in the Apennines is regarded as the future of the incumbent Prime Minister

After the scandal in St. Petersburg stopped production of the cots in the installation of “Beech”

The St. Petersburg factory Carobus after the scandal ceased production cots in the form of installation of the complex “Buk”. About it to “Radio Baltika” said Director Anton Koppel. “We understand that it is not necessary to popularize the topic of baby arms and turn this initiative as I do not presume to decide for others what is good and what is bad. Although after the scandal of positive reviews on Cribs “Buki” had a more than negative, we decided not to unnecessarily disturb a society that is not ready for that,” said Koppel. According to him, this model can be ordered in a special manner. The Director added that “the beeches” was no more than five percent of all orders. In October, about the unusual piece of furniture in Facebook said the journalist Oleg Kashin. Then Director of a furniture company explained that a special line of cots in

Putin was invited to Japan to relax in the hot springs and drinking sake

Tsugumi Muraoka The Governor of the southwestern Japanese Prefecture of Yamaguchi admitted that he wants to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the hot spring to treat his seafood and sake. About this Tsugumi Muraoka said in an interview with TASS ahead of the meeting between Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to be held in Nagato city in Yamaguchi Prefecture on December 15. “This is a very joyous event, we perceive it as a great honor — said Muraoka. Is the native place of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, we are doing everything to prepare for the fact that the leaders of the two countries in a calm and quiet environment to concentrate there on their negotiations.” According to the Governor, this meeting will showcase the attractiveness of the place where it will be held. “Our Yamaguchi Prefecture is located at the extreme Western end of the Japanese