Pamfilova ready to sue for libel on elections

Pamfilova ready to sue for libel on elections The head of the Russian Central election Commission is outraged by the unsubstantiated allegations of violations. MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova has declared that is ready to apply to the courts for libel, falsification and manipulation with false information about elections, this applies to any information propaganda without providing any evidence. Read alsoCalculated the expenditures for elections At the CEC session on Tuesday, Pamfilova said that, appeared on the Internet and actively spreading the video, which focuses on violations, including the counting of votes on elections in the Moscow suburb of Mytishchi. She added that this is also the story of the day before wrote “Novaya Gazeta”. The CEC has allocated the phrase in the video: “the farther away from the election, the more violations.” Pamfilova complained that

The leading countries of the West threatened new sanctions supporters of Assad

Bashar Al-Assad The leaders of USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Canada expressed its willingness to impose sanctions against allies of President Bashar al-Assad. This is stated in the message, available on the White house website. “We are ready to consider additional restrictive measures against natural and legal persons who act for or on behalf of the Syrian regime,” — the document says. The document also contains accusations against Russia in blocking the work of the security Council (SC) of the UN. “The refusal of the regime [of Bashar Assad] to take part in a serious political process also underlined the reluctance of Russia and Iran to forge a political solution, despite their assurances to the contrary,” he said in a statement. On 5 December, Russia and China vetoed in the UN security Council on the draft resolution calling for a truce in the Syrian city of Aleppo. After the

Zarabotavshie women MPs asked to go home to feed the men

Tamara Pletneva During consideration of the draft Federal budget for 2017 and 2018-2019 planning period of years, a number of deputies of the state Duma was indignant too long plenary session. On Wednesday, December 7, reports “Interfax”. “We still have to come home and husbands to feed,” said the head of the Duma Committee on family, women and children, Tamara Pletneva. However, she suggested that men parliamentarians “home feed” their spouses. In turn, the MP Vera Ganza drew attention to the poor lighting and lack of fresh air in the room. In response to expressed dissatisfaction with the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Sergey Neverov pointed out that the deputies “entrusted to work here” their voters. “If anyone hard and heavy — there is a normal decision: give up the mandate and go to where easily,” he said. He was supported by the President of the chamber Vyacheslav Volodin. According

We must become part of the NATO – Ukraine

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that Ukraine should become part of the Eastern flank of NATO. He expressed confidence that it will be so, according to the portal   He also noted that Ukraine will remain one of the fundamental priorities of the Alliance.   “Ukraine will remain one of the fundamental priorities of NATO”, – said Klimkin.   Such statement the Minister made at a press briefing in Brussels after a meeting of the Commission NATO – Ukraine. Klimkin added that Ukraine becoming part of NATO involves the exchange of intelligence, planning and conduct of joint exercises.   Photo: Minsterstvo defence of Ukraine / Facebook

The defense Ministry confirmed the death of Russian medics in Aleppo

The defense Ministry confirmed the death of Russian medics in Aleppo Fired by the Russian military mobile hospital deployed in Aleppo, one person died. About it “” reported in the defense Ministry. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The attack by militants occurred with 12:21 to 12:30 GMT during the reception of the locals. Videoto Clear Aleppo will help Russian dogs “As a result of a direct hit mines in the emergency Department of the hospital one Russian soldier-medic died. Two medical workers were seriously injured. Affected local residents attending the reception to the doctors,” — said the representative of the military Department Igor Konashenkov. The source Agency “Interfax” reported that one of the victims — a pediatrician. The Russian mobile hospital was sent to Aleppo at the end of November on the orders of President Vladimir Putin. From the Ministry of defence had deployed doctors special purpose with multi-function hospital on 100 beds, including

Trump was outraged by the cost of the new presidential plane

Trump was outraged by the cost of the new presidential plane The cost of the contract to build the Boeing 747 for the President of the United States exceeded $4 billion. Elected President of the United States Donald trump is outraged by the cost of the contract to build the new aircraft for the President, who previously won the Boeing Corporation. “Boeing creates a new “air force one” 747 model for future presidents, but its price is not controlled, it is more than $4 billion to Cancel the order,” wrote trump on his Twitter page. In January of this year, Boeing received a contract to develop a new generation of aircraft for the President of the United States on the basis of Boeing 747-8. Trump not only put Boeing on notice w/ Air Force One deal, he put EVERY Defense Contractor on notice as well!? — Boston Bobblehead (@DBloom451)

Joe Biden will run for US President in 2020

Joe Biden will run for US President in 2020 Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Vice President of USA Joe Biden stated his intention to participate in presidential elections in the United States in 2020, said on Monday The Hill. This will be his third attempt to take a seat in the White house. Biden announced his decision at the Capitol, answering the question of journalists about his political future. The answer took them by surprise that the Deputy Prime Minister was asked whether he was not joking, and that after a long pause answered in the negative, adding that fate is wont to intervene in the plans in unpredictable ways. In 2020, Biden will be 78 years old, so if he wins the election, he will become the oldest President in U.S. history, taking the title from a 70-year-old trump. This year he did not participate in the race because

Kadyrov told about life after surgery

The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said in Instagram that the operation, which he did in connection with the received training injuries, went fine, he feels good. “No output was not working, discussed, held meetings. The end of the year requires it,” said the official. He also thanked those who wished him good health. 7 December, the head of the region said that he was operated on to eliminate the consequences of injuries sustained in the ring. According to the head of Chechnya, advised him to be treated abroad, but he chose Grozny doctors. Kadyrov is a fan of martial arts and football. He often trains with players Grozny “Terek”, exercise in the open air and practiced in Boxing. In 2015 at one of these sessions the official broke a rib.

In Aleppo, killing a Russian Colonel

© Mustafa Sultan/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Russian Colonel Ruslan Galitsky died in hospital as a result of wounds received during the shelling by militants of the “opposition” of one of the residential neighborhoods in Western part of Aleppo, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation.