The relatives of the victims in Aleppo, women physicians handed the order of Courage

In Birobidzhan was buried two nurses who were killed in the shelling of the Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo, Syria. As reported TASS, the commander of the Eastern military district (TSB) Colonel General Sergey Surovikin has presented state awards to relatives Galina Mikhailova and Hope Durachenko. “For courage, bravery and dedication shown during the performance of military duty, Sergeant Hope Durachenko and Sergeant Galina Mihaylova awarded the order of Courage, posthumously”, — said the press service of BBO. The corresponding decree the President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed on December 8. The Governor of the Jewish Autonomous oblast (jao) Alexander Levintal, in turn, said that the memory of the inhabitants of Birobidzhan killed in Syria, will be immortalized. He added that the family will be provided with financial aid. “All necessary payments that rely of Federal and regional budgets, non-recurring and monthly, documents are prepared, everything will be done quickly,

During the day, from Aleppo receive 18 thousand inhabitants

Per day from the areas of Aleppo that are still under the control of the militants, left 18 thousands of civilians. It is reported by the Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria.   “For the last day of remaining under the control of insurgents of the districts of Aleppo, with the assistance of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties is derived 17 971 residents, including 7 542 children”, – stated in the message.   It is also noted that all out of the Aleppo residents are assisted.   In the message of the Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria, also reported that the city left 28 militants. In accordance with the decision of the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad, they will be amnestied. Photo: Yang Zhen / GLoballookpress

None of those on Board the crashed Pakistan plane did not survive

None of those on Board the crashed Pakistan plane did not survive ISLAMABAD, December 7. /Offset. TASS Andrey Evkin/. None of the 48 people aboard the airliner that crashed in North-West Pakistan, did not survive. This was announced by the civil aviation authority of the Islamic Republic. According to available information, the Pakistani military has recovered the bodies of 36 victims from the wreckage of an airliner that crashed in the area of Abottabad (province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). All aboard the turboprop airliner ATR 42, carrying out flight PK-661 of the Chitral (province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Islamabad, were 42 passengers (31 men, 9 women and 2 children), six members of the crew. Among them were the famous Pakistani singer Juned Jamshed and three foreigners. Last pic of Junaid Jamshed at Chitral airport#Pk661 #PIA — ❤BasiT❤ (@RANABASIT53) 7 Dec 2016 According to available information, the cause of the crash was a problem

But you hold to: the main memes Runet 2016

But you hold to: the main memes Runet 2016 Shlakoblokov, Graham and the frog Pepe I wish you happiness in the new year. As they say, it was a difficult year but we achieved a lot: in a network there was lots of fresh memes to choose the best — and most important — not so easy. Some of them have lost relevance, others are still kept. “Bill Daily” has decided to select their own top 10. Shlakoblochnym Just perch inside the cinder block, nothing. The meme emerged in 2013, but the mass was only in 2016. Shlakoblochnym and his friends Robert bonnes (@robbebone) 15 Nov 2016 Shlakoblochnym also“no Money but you keep”: the reaction of social networks “There’s no money but you keep” This phrase uttered by the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during his visit to the Crimea in response to the complaint of the pensioner

The Pentagon counted 50 thousand destroyed militants

The Pentagon counted 50 thousand destroyed militants About 50 thousand militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) were destroyed in the two years since the beginning of operations of the international coalition. About it reports on Thursday, December 8, Reuters, citing a source in the Pentagon. The interlocutor of the Agency stressed that this estimate is “conservative.” He also noted that the coalition led by the USA, including the BBC of its member countries, showed high efficiency. 6 December, President Barack Obama acknowledged that the mistakes made by Washington for military operations in Iraq, became one of the reasons for the emergence of ISIS. The American leader stressed that the coalition has inflicted on the terrorists more than 16 thousand air strikes, but Islamic state has lost more than half its controlled territory. “Ultimately, the backbone of the IG will be broken,” said Obama. However,

WP found out about the CIA conclusion about Russia has given assistance to Trump the election

Donald Tramploline: Team trump has rejected speculation about aid from Russia in the elections The CIA concluded that Russia in 2016 interfered in the elections of the President of the United States to help defeat the Republican Donald Trump. This writes The Washington Post, citing informed officials. Intelligence agencies have identified a number of persons, allegedly with ties to the Russian leadership, who provided the website WikiLeaks of thousands of stolen emails of the National Committee of the Democratic party (NDCP) and the headquarters of its candidate Hillary Clinton. Allegedly, these individuals are known to the intelligence community as figures who worked within the framework of large-scale Russian operation aimed at causing damage Clinton and the rise of trump. “According to the intelligence community that Russia’s goal were specifically to act in favor of one of candidates to help elect Trump,” said a senior U.S. official, recounting information that informed

The fire in the Leningrad region killed five people

In a private house in the village of Ulyanovka Tosno district of Leningrad region there was a fire, reports TASS. Killed five people, including three children aged five, 10 and 12 years. The message about the fire entered the remote duty on Friday, December 9, at about 21:00, according to the website of the regional Department of EMERCOM of Russia. “The burned house and disused building on the area of 115 square meters,” — said the rescuers. 22:15 the fire was extinguished. At the scene working operative group, set all the circumstances of the incident. Solves a question on excitation of criminal case. 28 November in the Moscow suburb of Khimki, a family of three people have died from choking by smoke from a burning washing machine. Victims of the fire were husband and wife and their child.

Deputy Minister of culture Pirumov dismissed

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Grigory Pirumov dismissed by order of the Cabinet. “The release of Grigory Pirumov U. from office the state Secretary – Deputy Minister of culture of the Russian Federation”, – RIA “news” the text of the order. Earlier, the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky said that his Deputy Grigory Pirumov filed a letter of resignation at own will. We will remind, on March 15 was arrested, Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Grigory Pirumov, the Director of the Department of property management and investment policy Boris Mazo, as well as the Director under the Ministry of FGKU Tsentrrestavratsiya Oleg Ivanov, the head of the company “Baltstroy” Dmitry Sergeyev and the Manager of the company Alexander Kochenov. They partially admitted guilt. FSB brought in their relation criminal case on suspicion of embezzlement of public funds allocated for the restoration works on the objects