Dr. Lisa decided to go from Donetsk to Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Executive Director of the international public organization “Fair help” Elizabeth Glinka (Doctor Liza), who received human rights prize of Russia, plans to go to Syria, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. She said this at the ceremony for outstanding achievements in the field of charity and human rights work in the Kremlin. “Tomorrow I’m flying to Donetsk, and from there to Syria, as well as dozens of other volunteers doing humanitarian work,” said Glinka. According to her, volunteers are never sure what will come back alive, because “war is hell on earth.” “I know what I’m talking about” – said Dr. Lisa. Glinka was awarded the prize for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights activities. She received the award from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Russia and Kuwait will follow the execution of decisions on oil

Russia and Kuwait will head the monitoring Committee on the implementation of the decision taken today, 10 December, at the meeting of OPEC countries and countries outside the oil cartel in Vienna. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the statement of the Minister of energy of Azerbaijan Natig Aliyev.   “Russia will cut production by 300 thousand barrels per day. For the purpose of control over execution of the decision was deemed appropriate to create a monitoring Committee under the leadership of Russia and Kuwait,” – said the press service of Aliyev.   Also in the Azerbaijani Ministry added that in order to stabilize oil prices in the world the OPEC member countries and countries outside the cartel, there should be periodic meetings.   On Saturday in Vienna hosted a meeting of OPEC oil-producing countries outside the organization. The agreement provides for the reduction of production and countries

In the crash of a su-33 looking for the human factor

In the crash of a su-33 looking for the human factor As it became known””, the Commission investigating the fall of the su-33 from the deck of the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” in the Mediterranean, decided on the main version of the incident. According to preliminary data, breakage of a cable of the arresting gear occurred due to pilot error: the experts are inclined to believe that the pilot exceeded maximum allowable deviation of the axis of the landing, thus creating excessive stress on the cable. According to “Kommersant”, the incident resulted in lost machine with the hull number 67 red. On preliminary conclusions of the emergency Commission investigating the loss of 3 December the ship’s fighter su-33, “b” told the sources close to the Main headquarters of the Navy, and the top Manager of the enterprise aviation industry. They argue that the results of studying of materials of objective

Named the most unpopular tourist region of Russia

Named the most unpopular tourist region of Russia Experts have made a rating of tourist attractiveness of Russian regions, their tourism potential and popularity among domestic and foreign tourists. To conduct the study were selected criteria such as the total number of seats in hotels, the percentage of people employed in tourism local people, the amount earned in this industry, how many times in hotels in the region spent the night as guests from Russia and from abroad, the popularity of the Internet and other, according to the website of the center for information communications “Rating”. This year the leader of the rating was deservedly the Russian capital.See alsoMoscow entered the top 7 attractive cities for National Geographic Moscow with a huge margin ahead of the other regions by such indicators as the volume of paid tourist services, twice passes its nearest competitor in leadership — Saint-Petersburg — the number

Volodin made the remark to the Deputy in “go to the person”

Volodin made the remark to the Deputy in “go to the person” The reason for the remarks of the Chairman of the state Duma became the head of the Committee on budget and taxes Andrey Makarov, who several times criticized some statements of the leader of Communist party Gennady Zyuganov. MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has asked MPs not to get personal when discussing the draft at the plenary session of the lower house of Parliament. The reason for the President’s comments were the words of the head of the Committee on budget and taxes Andrei Makarov, who in the course of his speech on the draft resolution on the adoption of the law on the Federal budget for 2017-2019, several times criticized some statements of the leader of Communist party Gennady Zyuganov. “Andrew M., by order… Please do not get personal.

In the Syrian army told about the battles for Palmyra

Palmyra Syrian government forces and militia fighters are engaged in fierce fighting with militants grouping “Islamic state” near Palmyra simultaneously on several fronts. On Saturday, December 10, reported RIA Novosti the Syrian military source. According to him, fierce fighting with ISIS are in the areas of Gazal and Shaer, the extremely intense situation remains on a mountain ridge At-tar. “Army units regrouped and left several heights of this mountain range”, — he said. In turn, a source in the Syrian people’s militia said that the fighting outside the borders of Palmyra. “Historic Palmyra is still under the control of the army. Today and yesterday we have together repulsed a number of powerful attacks on the city. The terrorists are trying to storm it from several directions”, — he said. Earlier it was reported that as a result of coordinated attacks by extremists managed to capture a few settlements: Qasr al

Violator is a repeat offender caught near Tula for damaging cameras of GAI

The police caught the inhabitant of Tula suspected of intentional damage to mobile complexes of video fixing of infringements of traffic regulations. On Saturday, December 10, Interfax reported the head of the press service of the regional Ministry of internal Affairs Andrei Yartsev. According to him, the offender, moving on a Nissan Juke before it damaged two video cameras on the route Tula — Shchekino. A man came out of the car about complexes, smashes the camera with his foot, and then disappeared from the scene. The damage caused by his actions exceeded a million rubles, says Yartsev. The representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs also said that the detainee only in 2016, at least 20 times was prosecuted for violation of traffic rules. Concerning the man criminal case under article providing punishment for intentional destruction or damage of property from hooligan promptings. The question of his detention.

Lavrov stated the erosion of security in Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti The European security system continues to be subject to erosion. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, speaking at a meeting of the Council of foreign Ministers of the OSCE. “The situation in and around Europe remains unstable, the continued erosion of the foundations of military-political security, increased terrorist acts. To replace diplomacy and mutually beneficial economic relations come to ultimatums and double standards, attempts of unilateral pressure and coercion,” he said. “Don’t think that’s the Europe that we all want to see,” – said Lavrov.

Ship “Reliable” joined the coast guard of the Kaliningrad border Guard service

© Vitaly Nevar/TASS KALININGRAD, December 10. /Offset. TASS Alexander Arkhipov/. New border patrol ship (PSKR) “Reliable” joined the units of the coast guard Border Department of FSB across the Kaliningrad region. This was reported on Saturday the press service of the Department. “A solemn event dedicated to the arrival of border patrol ships of the 2nd rank “Trusted” to the place of permanent deployment, was held at the inner Harbor of the port city of Baltiysk,” – said in the message. The ship was fully ready with his crew to proceed to the protection of Russian borders, said there.