In the military units of the Moscow region they sold “salts”

FSB: the court sentenced a Russian to 10 years for selling drugs in the Alabinsk garrison traded drugs in military units in the suburbs. This was reported to “” in the press service of the FSB department in Moscow and the region. The defendant by the name of Orlov was found guilty of committing a crime under article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal drug trafficking”). He was sentenced to 10 years in prison in a strict regime colony. The drug dealer was found as a result of operational-search activities carried out by FSB officers for the Taman division in February 2021. Orlov organized a stable illegal channel for the supply of a narcotic drug called “salt” to the territory of the military units of the Alabinsk garrison.

The Foreign Ministry disclosed the main topic of the future contact between Putin and Biden

Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov: the situation in the EU will be one of the main topics of contact between Putin and Biden one of the main topics of future contact between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden. This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on the air of the Big Game TV program on Channel One. The diplomat stressed that dialogue between the leaders is necessary, since problems in bilateral relations are multiplying. “There is no movement on bilateral affairs, which are increasingly moving into the phase of an acute crisis,” he said. In particular, according to Ryabkov, there is no understanding between Moscow and Washington on how to de-escalate the situation in Europe. The Deputy Foreign Minister said that Russia and the United States are doing normal work only in isolated areas that relate to dialogue on cybersecurity and strategic stability. “Presidents need

Ivanov: Russia and China are not planning to create any military alliance

Read TASS in Yandex.NewsYandex.Zen … Show hidden linksGoogle News GUYAN/China /, July 10./ITAR – Russia and China do not plan to create any military alliance. This was announced to journalists by the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Ivanov. He noted that relations between the two countries are actively developing, including in the field of military-technical cooperation. “But at the same time, I do not see any point – and the Chinese side also does not see any point – in creating a new military alliance, union or something like that,” Ivanov said. The Kremlin spokesman stressed that Russia's interaction with China is “not directed against anyone.” He also noted that no one aims to turn the SCO into a military organization. “The goal of creating a military organization out of the SCO is never set and will never be set, I want to assure you

Economist questioned Saxo Bank's forecast of 15% inflation in the United States

Economist Andrei Kolganov: Saxo Bank's forecasted inflation growth in the US is unlikely in a conversation with “” questioned the forecast given by the chief economist of Saxo Bank Steen Jacobsen. Earlier, Jacobsen predicted that inflation in the United States will reach 15 percent by early 2023. According to the economist, unemployment, “extreme instability in the US stock and credit markets,” as well as the results of the midterm elections to Congress in November 2022 will have a significant impact on its growth. Kolganov said that this is a forecast skeptical and considers the development of such a scenario unlikely, but does not 100 percent rule out a negative development of events in 2022. “The inflation rate in the United States economy, in general, is not growing at a high rate, the inflationary spiral is not unfolding. There, inflation has become higher than it was in the previous period, but

Dr. Komarovsky dispels the popular myth of vaccination

Dr. Komarovsky dispelled the popular myth about unsanitary conditions at vaccination points in the shopping center vaccination against coronavirus. The doctor assured that it is safe to vaccinate in public places. The doctor's commentary sounded on the air of the “Hour of Golovanov” program on the channel “Ukraine”. Komarovsky published an excerpt from the issue on his YouTube channel. He dispelled the popular myth that unsanitary conditions prevail in shopping centers and other public places where vaccinations are given, which means that it is dangerous to get vaccinated there. Komarovsky explained that if a person is healthy, he can be vaccinated without any additional preparation. As for the injection site, it should be able to provide emergency care in the event of an acute allergic reaction. For this, doctors must have two drugs – hormonal and adrenaline. According to Komarovsky, in places where people are vaccinated, there are medicines, and

Dr. Komarovsky dispels the popular myth of vaccination

Dr. Komarovsky dispelled the popular myth about unsanitary conditions at vaccination points in the shopping center vaccination against coronavirus. The doctor assured that it is safe to vaccinate in public places. The doctor's commentary sounded on the air of the “Hour of Golovanov” program on the channel “Ukraine”. Komarovsky published an excerpt from the issue on his YouTube channel. He dispelled the popular myth that unsanitary conditions prevail in shopping centers and other public places where vaccinations are given, which means that it is dangerous to get vaccinated there. Komarovsky explained that if a person is healthy, he can be vaccinated without any additional preparation. As for the injection site, it should be able to provide emergency care in the event of an acute allergic reaction. For this, doctors must have two drugs – hormonal and adrenaline. According to Komarovsky, in places where people are vaccinated, there are medicines, and

The reason for the frequent visits of polar bears to Russian reindeer herders is named

Scientists linked the frequent visits of bears to reindeer herders in Yamal to global warming Frequent visits of polar bears to reindeer herders in Yamal global warming. This reason was put forward by scientists at the international symposium “Relationship of climatic changes with changes in biological and landscape diversity of the Arctic and Subarctic”, held in Salekhard, reports “Sever-Press”. Researchers also admit that animals do not have enough food for familiar territories. How global warming affects the landscape and biodiversity of species in Yamal remains to be seen, says Alena Levykh, head of the chemical analytical laboratory of the Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic. “According to the results of the study recommendations for practical application in the socio-economic life of the district will be formed, “she noted. According to the Levs, glaciation has been observed in Yamal for several years in a row, which threatened a massive

The desire of Russians to rest in winter was described with the phrase “they saw all the recommendations in their grave”

Executive Director of ATOR Lomidze: 40% of Russians plan to travel abroad for the New Year Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze told about the desire of Russians to relax on the New Year and their willingness to buy tours for the holidays. Her phrases are quoted by the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. “We have about 40 percent of consumers, as they say, in the coffin saw all the recommendations. They say: “We take a risk. We want, buy and go. Well, we won't go, so we will postpone the trip,” the specialist described and added that about the same number of people “slowed down” when booking vouchers for the winter holidays. p> Lomidze noted that several hundred thousand domestic travelers are planning to go abroad this winter this year. “Egypt is the undisputed leader here, and I think that at least