“Apple” made mistakes in nominating Roizman Governor

Ella Pamfilova The Chairman of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova urged the leadership of the “Apple” to eliminate the mistakes made in the nomination of the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman as a candidate for Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. It is reported RIA Novosti on Friday, June 30. The Commission “there are a number of questions on the nature and procedure of the nomination” Roizman, said Pamfilova. “Now it’s not too late to fix everything. I ask the representatives of the “Yabloko”: immediately contact the CEC, that we now elaborate all the nuances registration, help, there is still time until 21 July to fix it,” she said. The nomination of candidates should be carried out strictly within the law, failure to comply with these requirements is one of the grounds for refusal of registration, reminded the head of the CEC Pamfilova said that at the moment two dozen

Employees of the Baikonur recommended to be vaccinated against plague

Employees of the Baikonur recommended to be vaccinated against plague Moscow. June 30. INTERFAX.RU IN connection with the identification of plague in rodents near the city of Baikonur to the leadership of the eponymous spacecraft it is recommended to perform disinfection of the territory and to vaccinate employees, reported the press service of the Committee for the protection of public health, Ministry of health of Kazakhstan. According to authorities, a common Friday, as part of a planned monitoring on the territory of five districts of Kyzylorda region and Ulytau district of Karaganda region in a limited area 12 km from the town of Baikonur laboratory “isolated culture of plague from the great gerbils and fleas, and also identified 14 rodents with positive results.” “Been epizootic was informed the management of the complex “Baikonur”, which is recommended to do a preventive pest control areas and the vaccination of employees”, — stated

The investigative Committee took the puppies

The investigative Committee took the puppies As it became known””, in the criminal case of former chief of interagency cooperation and private security RCDS Mikhail Maksimenko, who is accused of receiving a bribe from the thief in law Zachariah kalashova (Shakro Young), added another episode of illegal remuneration in the form of a used jeep. While Colonel Maksimenko being investigated for receiving several bribes. As one of them, the investigation is considering given him puppies. Increasing the number of episodes in the case of Colonel Maksimenko, who, along with former first Deputy head of GSU SKR across Moscow the General-major Denis by Nikandrova and the head of USB of the TFR Alexander by Lamonova is accused of receiving €500 thousand from the thief in law Shakro Young, it became known at session of Moscow city court. It protection officers Maximenko and Lamonova appealed the decision of the Basmanny court, in

The United States will not disclose the user for airline security measures

The United States will not disclose the user for airline security measures WASHINGTON, June 30 — RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kalmykova. The US does not intend to disclose instructions given to the airlines due to new security measures, told RIA Novosti in the Ministry of internal security of the United States. On Wednesday USA announced the introduction of new security measures concerning foreign passenger planes flying into the country from abroad. Measures apply to all foreign carriers operating in the United States. As explained by the Department of homeland security, enhanced measures to check passengers and their personal electronic devices for explosives will affect 180 airlines and more than two thousand flights arriving in the United States every day of the 280 airports in 105 countries. In the night of Friday the Agency Reuters referring to the representative of the Ministry of internal security of the United States announced that airlines

The US directly accused Syria that it is not completely abandoned the development of chemical weapons

The US directly accused Syria that it is not completely abandoned the development of chemical weapons WASHINGTON, June 30. /TASS/. Syria has not completely eliminated its program of building chemical weapons. This statement is contained in a written statement, which was circulated on Thursday the press-service of the Department of state in connection with the appearance of the report of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) confirming the use of sarin in the Syrian city of Khan shaykhun in early April. “The facts reflect <…> “track record” of use of chemical weapons by the regime of [President Bashar] Assad. Syria is still not fulfilling its legal obligations under the Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction, as well as in the framework of resolution 2118 of the UN Security Council because of the continued use of

US Ambassador to the UN justified the distrust of Iran’s fable about the Scorpion and the frog

US Ambassador to the UN justified the distrust of Iran’s fable about the Scorpion and the frog UN, June 30. /TASS/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley told Thursday by members of the Security Council of the fable about the frog and the Scorpion, trying thus to explain the distrust of Iran and questioned its commitment to the implementation of the agreement on the nuclear program. At the meeting of the security Council Deputy UN Secretary-General for political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman reported that Iran has fulfilled its obligations under the nuclear agreement with the six world powers (Russia, UK, Germany, China, USA and France). The participants in the debate affirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the agreement. Taking the floor, Ambassador to the US said that the issue of enforcement of the Iranian leadership of its international obligations remind her of the fable of the

USC: Russian Navy is not involved in the arms race

Vice-President of the United shipbuilding Corporation Igor Ponomarev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, June 30. /TASS/. The planned upgrade of warships, but not participate in the arms race is one of the priority tasks for the Russian Navy and industry. Such opinion in conversation with journalists was expressed by the Vice-President of the United shipbuilding Corporation (USC) on military shipbuilding Igor Ponomarev. “I don’t think there is a kind of arms race. There is a normal shift of the ships of the Soviet Union, which have served their terms of service. We will replace retired vehicles with new classes, new principles of weapons and new weapons,” he said. According to Ponomarev, the Russian shipbuilders have debugged the procedure of transmitting the lead ships of new projects. “Almost all of the major ships this year are completing the work is the most difficult period, when worked out new weapons. I think

In St. Petersburg launched the new Corvette is equipped with “Caliber”

Corvette “Rumbling” © Dmitry Reshetnikov/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, June 30. /TASS/. Corvette “Rumbling” of the project 20385, equipped with missile complex “Caliber-NK”, launched on “Northern shipyard”, the correspondent of TASS from the event. The team on the descent submersible dock with the ship was made by the Vice-President of the United shipbuilding Corporation – the General Director “Northern shipyard” Igor Ponomarev. After the descent “Rumbling” transferred to the outfitting quay, where he will receive power from shore. The Corvette will be armed, will also be equipment household and living quarters, galleys. In August, the Corvette will start mooring trials.

Russia warned about terrorists in Syria provocation with chemical weapons

Terrorist groups in Syria are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa, by analogy with the situation in Idlib province in may this year. About it RIA Novosti reported with reference to informed diplomatic source. The Russian side on June 29 notified the US-led international coalition about the plans of terrorists to blow up some stuffed with toxic substances of shells in one of the districts of Deraa. “Provocation will be produced by analogy with the situation in Idlib province,” said the source, adding that the incident light will be attracted by professional journalists, and the “chemical attack” will be broadcast through the media and social networks. The Agency says that, according to information received from reliable sources in the military-political leadership of Syria, the impetus for the preparation of provocations in the area of Nova Jassim angel was warning Washington about the “catastrophic” for Damascus,

The state Department accused Syria of reneging on the commitments for the prohibition of chemical weapons

The state Department accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. This is stated in the statement, the text of which is published on the website of the American dipvedomstva. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) issued on the eve of the report, which put the Syrian government forces responsible for using sarin gas or similar in the city of Khan shaykhun on 4 April. “The facts reflect despicable and dangerous use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime. By continuing to use chemical weapons, Damascus, due to the inability to completely destroy its chemical weapons program, continues not to comply with their legal obligations in accordance with the chemical weapons Convention and of resolution 2118 of the UN Security Council. The Pentagon reported on the preparation by the government of new Syrian chemical attack on June 26. Any evidence of these words was not provided. Later,