Pamfilova did not rule out the abolition of the “municipal filter” in gubernatorial elections

The Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova does not exclude the abolition of the “municipal filter” in the gubernatorial election in the future, for it was expressed by all the participants of the first meeting of the working group on improving the electoral legislation under the presidential administration. “On June 22nd we hosted a working group under the leadership of [the first Deputy head of the presidential administration] Sergei Kiriyenko, which launched a system work on the analysis and systematization of the electoral legislation”, – said the head of the CEC on Friday.

The Russian foreign Ministry questioned the objectivity of the report of the OPCW on the chemical attack in Syria

The Russian foreign Ministry called questionable data underlying the report of the technical Secretariat of the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) on the incident in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun (Idlib) in April. This is stated in comments posted on the foreign Ministry website. The document States that the evidence used in the conclusion of the OPCW obtained from Syrian opposition or non-governmental organizations. Their employees were not at the scene, and were in a “neighboring country”. “It is not surprising that the contents of the report of the special mission of the OPCW is largely biased, which suggests the presence in this structure of the political order”, — reads the statement of the foreign Ministry. June 29, the Russian diplomatic source said that the current in Syria, terrorist groups are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa, by analogy with the situation in

Analysts have predicted the collapse of the “Caliphate” of ISIS to the end of the year

Three years after the proclamation of the “Caliphate” by the leader of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), the group has lost more than 60 percent of the territory, which was controlled initially, and about 80 percent of the revenue. In this regard, the researchers predict a collapse of the organization until the end of the year. This is evidenced by the research of the analytical company IHS, Markit, published on Thursday, June 29. By 26 June of this year ISIS controlled 36 200 square kilometers, which is comparable with the territory of Belgium or the U.S. state of Maryland. It is 40 percent less than at the beginning of 2017, and 60 per cent lower than in January 2015, when for the first time estimated the territory of the “Islamic state” spread to 90,8 thousand square kilometers in Syria and Iraq. “Three years after the

Israel responded with an air strike on a random fire from Syria

Aircraft of the Israeli air force struck at Syrian army positions in the Golan heights. On Friday, June 30, according to Haaretz. The RAID destroyed the mortar. Air operations were a response to the random shelling from the Syrian side that occurred in the area earlier on June 30. On the Israeli-controlled territory, nobody has suffered. The incident was the fourth such incident in the last week. On 27 June the Israeli air force in response to the shelling of the territory of the country, struck at the two objects of Hamas in the Gaza strip. Two similar incidents occurred on June 25. The Golan heights, for half a century controlled by Israel, is one of many disputed territories in the middle East. From 1944 to 1967, they belonged to Syria, then during the six day war were captured by the Jewish state and subsequently annexed. The UN Security Council

Klintsevich: Russia sanctions will only strengthen

Photo: RIA Novosti First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on defense and security, Federation Council Frants Klintsevich announced that Russia will only strengthen sanctions, reports FAN. “The Minsk agreement clearly States that Russia is a country that is not involved in the conflict in the Donbass. It is possible to understand people who live in Donbass, in Donetsk, in Lugansk, they do not want to surrender. They defend their life, because they understand that otherwise they are simply, as said, strip,” said the Senator.

Russian scientists had offered to go part-time

Russian scientists had offered to go part-time Subordinate FANO institutions mass transfer of scientific employees in part-time employment. The reason — lack of money for implementation of the may decrees of Vladimir Putin on increasing salaries. In the research institutes of guide offers employees a “massive shift” to part-time, reported by the Federal Agency of scientific organizations (FANO). Thus, the Agency implicitly acknowledged the claims of scientists that came to the rally on June 28. No one forced the scientific establishment to massively cut rates to employees, insist the Agency. The purpose of the FANO — transfer to part-time employment only those who are not working full time. To avoid formal translation, the Agency held several meetings with heads of institutions and the trade Union of the RAS. The press service of the Agency said that after this optimization in FANO will be able to calculate how much you need

Artificial intelligence has learned to read thoughts

Artificial intelligence has learned to read thoughts A new algorithm for deep learning scientists from the University Carnegie Mellon can “read” a person’s thoughts by analyzing fMRI scans of the brain. About it reported in a press release from the University. “One of the great achievements of the human brain — the ability to combine individual concepts into complex thoughts. For example, to think not only about “bananas”, but that “I like to eat bananas in the evening with my friends,” said the study’s author Marcel Smith. — We’ve finally developed a way to see how to form complex thoughts using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain. The discovery of the link between thoughts and brain activity shows how the process of thinking in humans,” added Smith. Machine learning algorithms have analyzed the fMRI scans of the brain. They then in sequence built a chain, which is used

The Kshesinskaya mansion: as a dancer, fought with the Bolsheviks

The Kshesinskaya mansion: as a dancer, fought with the Bolsheviks In March 1917, the Bolsheviks occupied the house of the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska, who was the mistress of Nicholas II in the years 1892-1894 Grabar. The mansion, in the previous decade served as the center of social and cultural life of the Empire, became the headquarters of Lenin’s associates. The team of St. Petersburg historians and Museum workers prepared the book “1917. Around Winter”, which describes the revolutionary Petrograd. This book is a kind of “reconstruction of historical reality, “animated” map of fatal events,” the authors write. 12 chapters of the publication dedicated to events happening in various places of the Petrograd Winter Palace, the Peter and Paul fortress, Smolny and Mariinsky Tavrichesky palaces on the Champ de Mars, the cruiser “Aurora”. Russian service Bi-bi-si recounts a passage from the book, dedicated to the struggle of the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska

Resigned after complaining Putin, the head physician of the Murmansk region decided to leave

Vladimir Putin The chief doctor of the Apatity-Kirov Central city hospital Yury Shiryaev will remain in his position despite complaints of the inhabitant of Apatity (Murmansk oblast) to the work of the medical facility during a straight line President Vladimir Putin. This was the Shiryaev said “the”. “Today withdrew his statement [of resignation from the post of the chief physician],” he said. His decision, he explained the support of the staff and local residents, as well as a desire to “finish what you start.” Shiryaev decided to leave the post on June 20, soon after observed in the hospital anabaena Daria Starikova complained June 15 in the direct line with Putin on the low quality of rendered medical care and no hospital in her town: the residents apatites have to travel for treatment in Kirovsk. The girl was diagnosed with cancer, which developed in the fourth stage, while before

Another landfill in the Moscow region has suspended work

The prosecution have made stopping the operation of the landfill “Kaurava” in Naro-Fominsk district of Moscow region. About it reports TASS on Friday, June 30. The Agency found that the company had no permit for emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, it was not included in the register of waste disposal facilities. According to the results of the audit the perpetrators brought to disciplinary responsibility. June 23 was closed polygon “Kuchino” in Balashikha. The decision was taken after local residents complained about the situation with household waste during a straight line President of Russia Vladimir Putin. After that, the head of the Balashikha Eugene Zhirkov has resigned. All employees of the landfill has reduced. After the closure of the landfill near Moscow authorities have appealed to the government of Moscow with the request to help with financing of works at the site, since 80 percent of the