Dr. Roshal spoke about the new threat to Russian doctors in the pandemic

Doctor Roshal: lawsuits against doctors treating COVID-19 have become a large-scale threat to healthcare clinics treating COVID-19 have become a new large-scale threat to the Russian medical community during the pandemic. This opinion was shared by the President of the National Medical Chamber (NMP) Leonid Roshal in an interview with Lente.ru. “The coronavirus presented another reason for receiving money from doctors – some human rights lawyers' organizations began to actively create demand for their services encouraging patients to sue medical organizations for compensation for moral damage in case of any adverse consequences in the treatment of coronavirus infection, “the doctor said. To combat this phenomenon, Roshal proposed to establish a moratorium on prosecution of health workers in cases related to the provision of care for patients with coronavirus infection. He also drew attention to the fact that in Russia, doctors do not have the necessary protection in the event of

Baldwin gave his first interview after the death of a cameraman on the set of the film “Rust”

ABC: Actor Baldwin Didn't Hear About Security Issues on the Set of Rust American actor Alec Baldwin said he didn't about any security concerns, including the handling of weapons, on the set of Rust, where cameraman Galina Hutchins was killed in a shooting incident. He spoke about this in his first interview with ABC after the incident. “I have not heard that there were any problems with this. I believed that if people were hired for the appropriate positions, then they are familiar with their responsibilities, “Baldwin said. The actor added that he also had no questions about the competence of the people hired after how their predecessors decided to stop filming due to poor working conditions. According to him, a pistol was handed over to him with the words “cold steel”, which means that it is not loaded. Baldwin added that he did not expect formal charges against him.

Dr. Roshal spoke about the new threat to Russian doctors in the pandemic

Doctor Roshal: lawsuits against doctors treating COVID-19 have become a large-scale threat to healthcare clinics treating COVID-19 have become a new large-scale threat to the Russian medical community during the pandemic. This opinion was shared by the President of the National Medical Chamber (NMP) Leonid Roshal in an interview with Lente.ru. “The coronavirus presented another reason for receiving money from doctors – some human rights lawyers' organizations began to actively create demand for their services encouraging patients to sue medical organizations for compensation for moral damage in case of any adverse consequences in the treatment of coronavirus infection, “the doctor said. To combat this phenomenon, Roshal proposed to establish a moratorium on prosecution of health workers in cases related to the provision of care for patients with coronavirus infection. He also drew attention to the fact that in Russia, doctors do not have the necessary protection in the event of

The government allocated an additional six billion for social benefits for children

Mishustin: the government allocated 6 billion rubles for social payments to families with children 3-7 years old social payments to families with children aged three to seven years. This is stated in the corresponding decree published on the government website. The amount of payments will be 50, 75 and even 100 percent of the subsistence minimum per child in the region where the family lives. “Such support is very important, because we are talking about small children who grow up in families where there are material difficulties, “- said Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin. He explained that this year, social support for low-income families with children of preschool age, the subjects were allocated almost 305 billion rubles. In early November, Russia suggested the government to think over a new mechanism for payments for children. In particular, it is proposed to open bank accounts for newborns and add money there, which

Strategic goals of Russia in relation to Ukraine after 2014 named

Political scientist Andrey Sushentsov named Russia's strategic goals in the Ukrainian direction Long before the events of 2014, the Russian authorities embarked on a course to do without Ukraine, and decided to withdraw strategic assets from the influence of their neighbor. Andrey Sushentsov, Acting Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO, Program Director of the Valdai Discussion Club, spoke about this in an interview with Lente.ru. “Ukraine is important for Russia, but Russia itself is even more important for Russia, pursuing one's own interests, including in the sphere of ensuring security, “the political scientist believes. According to him, Russian foreign policy towards Ukraine is specific. He named its strategic goals: the fate of the Russian community, issues of economic and technological relationship. “There are military issues – for example, the need to have at least neutral Ukraine to protect national interests in the western direction. All these circumstances

Weapons found in the United States against Russia and China

Mitchell Institute: US Air Force Needs New Missiles to Deter Russia and China confrontation with Russia and China. Former US Air Force pilot, Mitchell Institute analyst Mark Ganzinger has found a cure for enemy defenses. This is reported by Flight Global. The Mitchell Institute noted that the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) system is not efficient enough. A set of equipment that converts free-fall bombs into corrected ammunition will not be able to withstand modern air and missile defense. Ganzinger emphasizes that the US Air Force needs medium-range cruise missiles. Ammunition, which will be able to hit targets at a range of 90 to 460 kilometers, will allow carrier aircraft not to enter the affected area. Also, the new family of missiles should be inconspicuous. This will make it possible to effectively hit mobile targets. The publication suggested that in a potential conflict, the effectiveness of stealth aircraft with melee

The government allocated an additional six billion for social benefits for children

Mishustin: the government allocated 6 billion rubles for social payments to families with children 3-7 years old social payments to families with children aged three to seven years. This is stated in the corresponding decree published on the government website. The amount of payments will be 50, 75 and even 100 percent of the subsistence minimum per child in the region where the family lives. “Such support is very important, because we are talking about small children who grow up in families where there are material difficulties, “- said Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin. He explained that this year, social support for low-income families with children of preschool age, the subjects were allocated almost 305 billion rubles. In early November, Russia suggested the government to think over a new mechanism for payments for children. In particular, it is proposed to open bank accounts for newborns and add money there, which

Strategic goals of Russia in relation to Ukraine after 2014 named

Political scientist Andrey Sushentsov named Russia's strategic goals in the Ukrainian direction Long before the events of 2014, the Russian authorities embarked on a course to do without Ukraine, and decided to withdraw strategic assets from the influence of their neighbor. Andrey Sushentsov, Acting Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO, Program Director of the Valdai Discussion Club, spoke about this in an interview with Lente.ru. “Ukraine is important for Russia, but Russia itself is even more important for Russia, pursuing one's own interests, including in the sphere of ensuring security, “the political scientist believes. According to him, Russian foreign policy towards Ukraine is specific. He named its strategic goals: the fate of the Russian community, issues of economic and technological relationship. “There are military issues – for example, the need to have at least neutral Ukraine to protect national interests in the western direction. All these circumstances

Biologist named a way to keep the birth rate during a pandemic

Biologist Baranova: maternity leave from the moment of pregnancy will preserve the birth rate return to the previous level of public health is not clear, said professor at the School of Systems Biology at the University of George Mason, chief researcher at the laboratory of functional genomics at the medico-genetic research center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ancha Baranova. Her words are quoted by RIA Novosti. Baranova noted that it is possible to maintain the birth rate during a pandemic if women are given maternity leave from the moment of pregnancy. The biologist stressed that the decline in fertility will affect developed countries where women have the opportunity to postpone pregnancy. According to her, it is necessary to create conditions so that women can give birth without fear of contracting coronavirus infection during pregnancy. “If you make, relatively speaking, a decree, starting from the moment of pregnancy, then this

12 dead miners of Listvyazhnaya have been located

Ministry of Emergencies: 12 miners on Listvyazhnaya are known, search for 15 continues “Listvyazhnaya” in Kuzbass, the search for the bodies of 15 miners continues. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the EMERCOM of Russia. “Over the past day, the branches of the EMERCOM of the EMERCOM of Russia transported 11 dead miners to the surface. At present, the whereabouts of 12 miners and 2 mine rescuers are known, the search for 15 miners continues, “the report says. In total, 22 bodies were raised after the accident. In the evening of December 2, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev said that the bodies of six more dead miners were raised from the Listvyazhnaya mine. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the bodies of 29 people have yet to be found. The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on