In Russia, 847 deaths due to covid were registered per day. This is the minimum since September 27

MOSCOW, January 1. /tass/. The number of deaths due to coronavirus in Russia increased by 847 per day against 912 the day before, to 309,707. This was reported to journalists on Saturday at the federal operational headquarters for the fight against the new infection. The number of deaths registered per day, thus, became the minimum since September 27. Conditional mortality (the final one can be determined only after the end of the epidemic) remained at the level of 2.94%, it follows from the data of the headquarters. The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Russia increased by 19,751 per day, to 10,519,733. For the first time since September 22, the number of cases detected per day turned out to be less than 20,000. In relative terms, the increase in the number of cases was 0.19%. In Russia, 33,144 people recovered after the coronavirus in a day. Thus, a total of

Greek scientist named the end date of the pandemic

A well-known scientist in Greece referred to a mathematical model of the development of the next “unrestrained” wave of the pandemic. Over the past five days, new records of coronavirus infection have been recorded daily in Greece — on Friday there were 40.5 thousand cases, and the omicron strain became the predominant in the country. According to Sariannis, the upward trend will continue until January 20-22, the average weekly level will reach 66 thousand cases of infection. This means in practice that there may be days when there will be 80 thousand and even 100 thousand cases of coronavirus per day, said Sariannis, according to whom the calculation of the average weekly level is a more accurate method compared to the daily one. “Thus, on February 20, a month after the peak of the omicron wave, its decline will already end. Then the average weekly number of cases of infection

Mishustin congratulated Shakurov on his 80th birthday

“You belong to those rare actors whose unique gift, genuine sincerity, charm conquer the hearts of the audience. For many years on the theater stage and in the cinema, you have been creating the brightest images, masterfully reincarnating into heroes of different eras,” Mishustin wrote in a telegram published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Prime Minister also wished the hero of the day inspiration, new creative successes, health, well-being and good luck. Theater and film actor, People’s Artist of Russia Sergey Kayumovich Shakurov was born on January 1, 1942 in Moscow. In 1966, he successfully debuted as a rookie Pegakov in the film “I am a Soldier, Mom” by Manos Zaharias. Many famous directors began to invite him to their films. Currently, Shakurov plays in the play “Little Comedies” of the Modern Theater of Entreprise, as well as in the entreprise play “Bad Habits”. Even more

German Chancellor mentioned Ukraine in the first New Year's greetings

“For & nbsp; security in Europe, transatlantic cooperation is indispensable. In the & nbsp; situation with & nbsp; Ukraine, we & nbsp; face a new challenge. The inviolability of borders is a great value and & nbsp; is not & nbsp; negotiable & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; said Mr. Scholz. In his address, he also & nbsp; touched upon the topic of the coronavirus pandemic, internal power in & nbsp; Germany, and & nbsp; also the programs of his government. Earlier, Mr. Scholz said that & nbsp; Germany continues to remain committed to ensuring that Ukraine transports Russian natural gas and & nbsp; in the & nbsp; future. He also reported on the & nbsp; course of negotiations, the purpose of which should be Ukraine's entry into the & nbsp; renewable energy market. Note that in the summer the USA and & nbsp; Germany entered into a deal on

Kim Jong-un calls 2022 the “great mortal combat”

“The Secretary General stated that & nbsp; the battle of 2022 & nbsp; & mdash; a tremendous deadly battle, which must be resolutely deployed and & nbsp; be sure to win without & nbsp; the slightest delay for the & nbsp; all-round development of socialism, for & nbsp; the great North Korean people and & nbsp; beloved descendants & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; stated in & nbsp; text. Kim Jong-un & nbsp; also expressed confidence that the & nbsp; Party and & nbsp; North Korean people will again achieve the greatest victory in & nbsp; this year. While & nbsp; & nbsp; in the summary of the leader's speech published by the CCA, there are no references to the United States or South Korea. For the last two years, Kim Jong-un & nbsp; has not & nbsp; released New Year messages to the & nbsp; nation, preferring instead to

Ukraine bans Russians from owning inland navigation vessels

Ships and & nbsp; ships owned by Russians or sailing under the flag of Russia will not & nbsp; be able to enter the & nbsp; internal waterways of Ukraine Relevant law “ On & nbsp; Inland Waterway Transport '' entered into & nbsp; force in & nbsp; Ukraine from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January. The & nbsp; it states that & nbsp; inland waterways will not & nbsp; be able to use ships that go “ under the flag of the aggressor state ''. The ban also applies to ships owned by citizens of a state that Ukraine has recognized as the 'aggressor'. Ukraine recognized Russia as an aggressor state in & nbsp; 2015. The law applies to ships and & nbsp; ships that use inland waterways & nbsp; & mdash; then & nbsp; there are large rivers, reservoirs located inside the & nbsp; country. Among them &

Zelensky called the end of the war in Donbass his main goal

The appeal of the Ukrainian leader lasted more than 22 minutes. It became a record for & nbsp; duration. According to Zelensky, the main goal of his presidency is to end the war in the & nbsp; Donbass. And, unfortunately, we have not yet ended the war in the east of our state. And this is my main goal. That is why I say goodbye. Because next year will definitely be better! Volodymyr Zelenskyy also wished the neighbors to come to & nbsp; guests & nbsp; jellied meat and & nbsp; a bottle, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; & nbsp; weapons and & nbsp; without & nbsp; knocking & raquo;, and & nbsp; relatives came more often with & nbsp & nbsp; Donbass “ But & nbsp; not & nbsp; to & nbsp; guests, but & nbsp; to & nbsp; my home '', & nbsp; & mdash; added &

Former US ambassadors demanded from Biden to publish sanctions against Russia

Joe Biden should make public the sanctions that the US will impose against Russia in the & nbsp; case of military action against Ukraine. & Nbsp; This was stated by two former US ambassadors to & nbsp; Russia (Michael McFaul and & nbsp; Alexander Vershbow), and & nbsp; also 22 more American experts and & nbsp; former diplomats, reports Associated Press. Ideally, the plan of these sanctions should now be brought to information from Moscow so that the Kremlin has a clear idea of ​​the scale of the economic blow that it will face. According to their statement Among the signatories & nbsp; & mdash; former US ambassadors to & nbsp; Ukraine Steven Pifer and & nbsp; John Herbst. Others & nbsp; & mdash; These are former US national security officers and & nbsp; experts on & nbsp; Russia, who, among other things, worked in the & nbsp; administrations of

In Ukraine, a ban on the access of Russian ships to the country's internal waters came into force

The & nbsp; document notes that & nbsp; & laquo; transportation on & nbsp; cabotage flights between river ports & lt; & for & nbsp; implementation of cargo operations on & nbsp; inland waterways of Ukraine & lt; & hellip; & gt; can be carried out by Ukrainian courts or foreign vessels, the shipowners of which are business entities registered on the & nbsp; territory of Ukraine, except for ships flying the flag of the aggressor state (Russia is considered as such on & nbsp; Ukraine & nbsp; & mdash; note TASS), ships whose owners & lt; & hellip; & gt ; are citizens of a state recognized by Ukraine as an aggressor or an occupying state. '' for & nbsp; violation of the legislation on & nbsp; inland water transport. The internal river waterways of Ukraine include such rivers as the Dniester, Danube, Dnieper and a number of others.

Foreign Policy Names 10 Potential Military Conflicts in 2022

The weakening of US ambitions in the & nbsp; world stage has led to a weakening of a number of major military conflicts. The number of people killed in & nbsp; fighting in & nbsp; all over the world, in & nbsp; has mainly decreased since & nbsp; 2014 & nbsp; & mdash; if you count only those who & nbsp; died directly in the & nbsp; battle. “ But & nbsp; local conflicts rage more than & nbsp; ever, although they tend to be less intense. By & nbsp; most of the wars of the 21st century are less deadly than & nbsp; their & nbsp; 20th century predecessors. Foreign participation in & nbsp; conflicts creates the risk that & nbsp; local clashes will grow and & nbsp; & nbsp; major powers will be involved & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; by Richard Atwood, Executive Vice President of the